What do you mean by kinetic energy derive an expression for the kinetic energy of an object moving with velocity V?

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define kinetic energy. derive an expression for kinetic energy?

The kinetic energy of an object is the energy that it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its stated velocity. 

Consider a body of mass "m" starts moving from rest. After a time interval "t" its velocity becomes V.
If initial velocity of the body is Vi = 0 ,final velocity Vf = V and the displacement of body is "d". Then

Derivation for the equation of Kinetic Energy: The relation connecting the initial velocity (u) and final velocity (v) of an object moving with a uniform acceleration a, and the displacement, S is 

                             v2 - u2 = 2aS

This gives  

                             S = ½a(v2 - u2) 

We know F = ma. Thus using above equations, we can write the workdone by the force, F as

                            W = ma × ½a(v2 - u2) 

                                  or                              W =m( v 2 - u 2 ) ½ If object is starting from its stationary position, that is, u = 0, then

                            W = ½mv2

<font size="1"> </font> It is clear that the work done is equal to the change in the kinetic energy of an object.

If u = 0, the work done will be  W = ½mv2

Thus, the kinetic energy possessed by an object of mass, m and moving with a uniform velocity, v is Ek=  ½mv2

Define Kinetic Energy and derive the expression for it.

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where F is the force and s is the displacement in the direction of the force.

We know that, F=ma
Therefore, W=m.a.s -------(1) From the equation of motion, we have,


As the body was initially at rest so u = 0

Therefore, 12v2 =as ------- (2)

Putting the value of 'as' from eqn.(2) into eqn.(1) we get,
W=12mv2 This work done by the force gets used to increase the kinetic energy of the body.

Therefore, KE=12mv2.

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