What do sociologists believe are the principal factors that influence personality development?

Heredity, birth order, parents, and the cultural environment are among the principal factors that social scientists see influencing personality and behavior.

What are the 4 principal factors that most sociologists see as influencing personal behaviors & Development?

Identify and describe the four principal factors viewed by contemporary sociologists as having the most influence on personality development. The four principal factors are heredity, birth order, parental characteristics, and the cultural environment.

What do most modern social scientists think about the roles of nature and nurture in personality development?

What do most modern sociologist think about the roles of nature and nurture in shaping personality? Nature – view points that held sway in the 1800s states that much of human behavior is instinctual. Nurture – A person’s behavior is the result of social environment and learning.

How the order in which we are born can influence our personalities?

Explain how the order in which we are born can influence our personalities. People born first or last in a family have a different perspective than people born in the middle. Research has indicated that firstborn children are more likely to be achievement-oriented and responsible than later-born children.

What is the sum of total behaviors attitudes beliefs and values that are characteristics of an individual?

Personality is best defined as the sum total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs and values that are characteristic of an individual.

What do scientists believe are the principal factors that influence personality development?

According to social scientists, the principal factors that influence personality and behavior are heredity, birth order, parental characteristics, and cultural environment. Studies of isolated children suggest the importance of environment in personality development.

What do you think is the most important influence on personality and social behavior?

Most sociologist believe that environmental factors have the most influence. most influencial to personality and behavior are birth order, parents, the cultural environment, and heredity.

What are the 4 main factors that affect personality development?

Those are heredity, environment, and situation. Heredity: This refers to the influences on your personality that you are born with.

How do genes influence behavior?

Genes, via their influences on morphology and physiology, create a framework within which the environment acts to shape the behavior of an individual animal. The environment can affect morphological and physiological development; in turn behavior develops as a result of that animal’s shape and internal workings.

What are examples of nurture?

Nurture assumes that correlations between environmental factors and psychological outcomes are caused environmentally. For example, how much parents read with their children and how well children learn to read appear to be related. Other examples include environmental stress and its effect on depression.

How do last borns behave?

Last borns tend to be able to charm and disarm better than older borns can. They tend to be funnier. They tend to be more intuitive. They tend to have a greater likelihood of being comedians of being satirists, of being performers, all of this because they learn what are called low power skills in the playroom.

Do you think we are born with our personalities?

Experts say that we typically develop our personality type – our preferred way of doing things – through the course of our lives in response to our surroundings and experiences – school or work, for example. … However, life rarely allows us to rely solely on the personality traits that come to us naturally.

Why is the subject of birth order important to families?

Your position in the family can affect your personality, behaviour and view of the world, according to the experts. Birth order is considered by some researchers and psychologists to be one of the most powerful influences on personality, along with genetics, gender, temperament and parenting styles.

What are the 7 agents of socialization listed in your textbook?

agents of socialization: Agents of socialization, or institutions that can impress social norms upon an individual, include the family, religion, peer groups, economic systems, legal systems, penal systems, language, and the media.

Which agent of socialization is most important in most cultures?

Socialization occurs throughout our life, but some of the most important socialization occurs in childhood. Four of the most influential agents of socialization during that phase of our lives are the family, school, peers, and mass media. Family is usually considered to be the most important agent of socialization.

Which of the following is the most important agent of socialization quizlet?

The specific individuals, groups, and institutions that enable socialization to take place. Family socialization is the most important agent of socialization; however, peer group is an important agent of socialization as well.

Personality is an individual’s unique pattern of thinking, feeling and behaving. Personality is influenced by two important factors. One is the biological heredity, that is genetically transmitted characteristics and the other is the environment. The environment constitutes of geographic, cultural and social environment of an individual. Socialization is an important aspect in the development of personality. Socialization is the process of moulding and shaping an individual’s personality. It helps the individual to conform to the norms and values of the society. It also helps them to develop their personality. There are factors which help in the process of socialization. They are: Imitation, Suggestion, Identification and Language. The heredity, environment and culture of an individual are important elements in socialization. There are many agents of socialization who helps the child formally or informally in developing their personality. They are: family, school, peers, state, religious institutes and media. These agents play an important role in the child’s life by assisting the child to develop his or her personality. WHAT IS PERSONALITY?

An individual 's personality is the complex of mental characteristics that makes them unique from other human beings. It contains emotions and patterns of thoughts that cause us to say or do things in a specific way. Personality is expressed through our nature or emotional tone, it also adds colour to our values, beliefs, and


The factors in. personality develop net include: (I) biological inheritance, (2 physical environment, (3) culture, (4) group experience, and (5) unique experience .

Biological Inheritance and Personality
A brick house cannot be built of s one or bamboo; but from a pile of bricks, a great variety of houses can be . Biological inheritance provides the raw ID aerials of  personality, and these raw materials can be shaped in many different ways. All normal, healthy human beings have certain biological similarities, such as two hands, five senses, sex glands, and a complex brain. These biological similarities help explain some of the similarities in the personality and behavior of all people.

Every person’s biological inheritance is also’ unique, meaning that no other person (except an identical twin) has exactly the same in merited physical characteristics. Not long ago most people believed each person’s personality was little more than the unfolding of that person’s biological inheritance. Such personality traits as perseverance, ambition, honesty, criminality, sex deviation; and most other traits were believed to arise from inherited predispositions. Few believe this today. Instead, it is now recognized that all personality characteristics are shaped by experience.

 In  act, some claim that individual differences in ability, achievement, and behavior are almost entirely environmental, and that individual differences in biological inheritance are not very important [e.g, Whimsy, 1975]. This is the. nature-nurture controversy which has been raging for centuries. Interest in the biological basis for individual differences in intelligence and behavior is currently rising. Studies of identical twins are a favorite research approach. One study of 2,500 high school twigs concludes that “about half the variation’ among people in a broad spectrum . of psychological traits [within our society] is due to differences among people in genetic: characteristics,” while the other half is due to environment [Nichols, 1977]. The ‘most extensive twin study ever made was by the Methodological Institute of Moscow, which separated a thousand sets of identical twins .I at infancy, placing them in controlled environments for two years’ observation. The findings strongly s~ported a hereditary basis for many characteristics, including intelligence differences. This conclusion displeased Stalin, who abolished the institute and executed its director [Hardin, 1959, p. 235]. As the fate of this scholar shows, the question of heredity versus environment is not simply a scientific question but is also a political issue. Thus, Marxists and others who promote the goal of equality of rewards are annoyed by evidence that people differ in, native abilities. Conservatives joyously seize upon evidence of unequal native abilities and cite this to justify unequal rewards. But individual differences in biological inheritance are real, regardless of whether this fact makes one happy or unhappy.

For some traits, biological inheritance is more important than for others. A number of studies have shown, for example, that the IQ of adopted children more closely resembles the IQ of their natural pants than of their adoptive parents; and within a particular . family, the natural children follow the IQ of the parents far more closely than do the ‘adopted children [Skodak and Skeels, 1949;

Minnesinger, 1975; Horn, 1976a; Scarr and Weinberg, 1976; [uel-Nielson, 1980]. But, while individual differences in IQ seem to be more highly determined by heredity than by environment, many other differences are almost entirely environmental. .One recent study found evidence for habitability strong for sociability, compulsiveness, and· social ease, but. found habitability to be unimportant (or lead readership, impulse control, attitudes, and interests [Horn, 1976/1]. Two recent studies concluded that childhood temperament, specifically timidity, is rooted in biological inheritance [Herbert, 1982a]. Thus we may conclude that biological inheritance is important for some personality traits and less important for others. In no case can the respective influence of heredity and environment be precisely measured, but most scientists agree that whether one’s inherited potentials are fully developed is strongly affected by one’s social experience.