What did Wilhelm Wundt believe about consciousness?

The late 19th century saw a change in the way people viewed the study of psychology and how patients with mental disorders were treated. In 1879, the Institute for Experimental Psychology was opened at the University of Leipzig in Germany by Wilhelm Wundt. This institution and Wundt himself made many advances in psychiatric treatment, which is why Wundt is known today as the father of modern psychology.

The Institution was very forward-thinking for its time. Wundt was passionate about separating science from philosophy and believed that the mind’s workings could be observed through scientific experiments and analysis using object controls and measurements. Within months students interested in psychology began seeking out opportunities at the Institution. Most of these students were from Germany, but Britain and the United States were also represented at the Institution. No time had passed before other psychology laboratories began to model their methods after the Institution of Experimental Psychology. This shift is what is known as the beginning of modern-day psychology, and we have Wilhelm Wundt, the father of modern psychology, to thank for that.

Wilhelm Wundt: Early Life

Wilhelm Wundt was born on August 16th, 1832, in Neckarau, Germany. His father was a Lutheran minister, and Wilhelm was homeschooled by his father’s assistant, Friedrich Muller, with who Wilhelm eventually moved in. In 1851 Wilhelm Wundt entered the University of Tubingen. He transferred to the University of Heidelberg just a year later and began to major in medicine. After just three years at University, Wundt, at only 21 years old, published some of his work in medical journals.

Wundt did not want to be a doctor, let alone the father of modern psychology, however, and began studying under Johannes Muller in physiology at Berlin. In 1856 Wundt received his doctorate from Heidelberg and worked in physiology as a dozen for two years. Hermann von Helmholtz, master physicist, psychologist, and physiologist, invited Wundt to be his assistant. When Helmholtz moved to Berlin in 1871, Wundt was not selected as his replacement and instead went to the University of Zurich to teach inductive philosophy. By 1875 he was the first-class chair of philosophy at Leipzig. A few years later, in 1879, Wilhelm Wundt’s equipment room was finally recognized as the first laboratory in the world devoted to psychology. The birth of experimental psychology began here.

Wilhelm Wundt’s Early Contributions To Psychology

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During Wilhelm Wundt’s time at Leipzig, he sponsored nearly 200 doctorate candidate students. More than half of these students were focused on psychology. Deciphering where Wilhelm Wundt’s ideas begin and the end is difficult because many of his students carried out his theses and experiments. One such student was Edward Titchener, who has developed Wundt’s theory of structuralism.

The structuralism theory is that the conscious mind can be broken down into basic elements without damaging the whole mind. Wundt believed that introspection and reductionism could make it possible for the conscious mental state to be studied under scientific observation. Wundt taught introspection as an intense form of self-examination and trained his students to make biased observations based on personal interpretation. This method was not used anymore after the early 1920s. This method did prove to the scientific community, however, that experimental behavior can be objectively measured.

His research laboratory was used to analyze consciousness by researching spiritual theories and examining abnormal behaviors in people. He used this observation to identify individual mental disorders.

Wilhelm Wundt’s approach to research in psychology is called experimentalism. Wundt identified two main fields of experimentation-Sensation, and perception and measuring reaction times using the subtractive procedure. Wundt was able to figure out that .1 second was needed for apperception and was also able to figure out the time required for cognition, choice, discrimination, and association.

Wundt is also considered to be the father of modern psychology when it comes to the field of cognitive psychology in particular. Wilhelm Wundt studied three main areas of mental functioning-feelings, images, and thoughts. These three areas are still the basis of perceptual processes used in cognitive psychology today.

Wilhelm Wundt also created the first psychological research-based journal in 1881 called Physiological Psychology. He also published many books and academic papers that are considered classics in the field of psychology today.

Wilhelm Wundt’s Later Work

Wilhelm Wundt was interested in more than cognitive psychology and physiology. Wilhelm was also passionate about the natural history of man and the way the mind used language. Wilhelm Wundt developed a brand-new field called Völker-psychology, which examines language, religion, culture, history, law, myth, society, and history. There is ten volumes total published from 1900-1909. Wundt fervently believed that you must also understand their culture and history to understand someone’s thinking patterns.

One of Wundt’s theories developed later in his life in 1896 was the tridimensional theory of feeling. This theory proposed that people experience feeling according to three parameters-pleasantness, strain, and excitement. All three of those parameters had a spectrum from negative to positive association. This work was limited because it did not include the problem of free thought. After failing to find a means to measure memory and learning, Wundt discontinued his work in this field.

Wilhelm Wundt had achieved much through his research lab, including establishing experimental psychology as an independent discipline. Wundt also created the first systemic handbook for experimental psychology and was solely responsible for its updating over the course of four decades. His last book was written in 1920 as a memoir of his professional experiments. He died that August at 88 years old.

Cognitive Psychology

Wilhelm Wundt’s theory of Structuralism has lead to the development of Cognitive Psychology today. Cognitive psychology studies a person’s mental processes. Everything happens within your consciousness, such as emotions, language, learning, perception, problem-solving, and the ability to learn. Cognitive psychology is still considered a relatively new field of psychological research but is a very popular subfield.

Cognitive psychology applications have been used to help with memory and disorders that affect decision-making. People who have suffered from brain injuries, have learning disorders, or improve their learning ability can benefit from cognitive psychology. Treating attention disorders such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, also falls in the realm of cognitive psychology. Psychologists in this field can help to improve patients with ADHD focus and concentration skills.

When You Should See A Cognitive Psychologist

Most cognitive psychologists work through research programs and universities doing experiments and research in laboratories. Cognitive psychologists can address any concerns that patients have with cognition, brain injury impact, and degenerative brain disorders.

If you can say yes to any of these questions, you should seek out a cognitive psychologist:

  • Do you have a psychological disorder that you would like to try cognitive behavior therapy for treatment?
  • Have you suffered from brain trauma or injury?
  • Are you experiencing difficulties with sensory perception?
  • Do you have a degenerative brain disease such as Alzheimer’s?
  • Do you have a learning disability that you would like to try different intervention strategies for?

Cognitive psychology can greatly benefit patients who need to change their patterns of thinking as well. Some people get stuck in patterns of pessimistic thinking or negative emotions. Cognitive therapy can help alleviate the stress associated with this pattern of thinking. When patients participate in cognitive therapy, they can learn to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and better self-regulate their own emotions and thought processes.

How To Find A Cognitive Psychologist

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If you have decided that cognitive psychology is something that you want to explore further, there are many ways to find the right person to get started. You can do a simple web search for Cognitive Psychologists and begin filtering through the limited results you may get. You can also contact the psychology departments of any research hospitals near you. Insurance companies can give you lists of the cognitive psychologists that are in-network for your provider. Mental health care coverage can vary greatly between plans, and you should always check with your insurance provider before scheduling appointments to find out what is covered and what is not.

If you don’t want to speak to anyone in person or still aren’t sure how to get started, you can join Mytherapist.com and begin talking to someone about your cognitive psychology questions today! Mytherapist.com offers professional counseling by licensed therapists so you can be sure you are in trusted hands for all of your mental health care needs. 

Is Sigmund Freud the father of psychology?

Although Sigmund Freud is perhaps one of the most influential psychological theorizers and contributors of psychology theories in the history of clinical psychology, however, he is not considered the sole father of psychology; instead, the father of psychoanalysis. Several founders of psychology worked during the same period that contributed to Freud's professional education and discovery. Many historical psychologists would argue that the following people would make the list of nominees for psychology: Wilhelm Wundt, William James, and Carl Rogers. However, most would say that Wilhelm Wundt is the one truly considered the father of psychology.

Who are the founders of psychology?

The field of psychology as science had a late start than many other scientific areas expert study today. In terms of the history of psychology, Scientific psychology, and educational psychology Wilhelm Wundt and William James made these fields groundbreakingly famous, both of whom had published many of the first psychological theories. Wilhelm Wundt was a German psychologist who contributed significant psychology theories established the first lab for psychology research and experimental psychology. William James was considered the father of American psychology, establishing the first American lab for teaching clinical psychology, experimental psychology, and physiological psychology principles. Two other psychology fathers, Carl Rogers (social psychology) and Sigmund Freud (psychoanalysis), promoted psychology as a science through their clinical practices with actual patients.

Why is William James the father of psychology?

In psychology, William James is considered a father of psychology and Wilhelm Wundt, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Rogers because of his influential contribution to educational psychology and scientific psychology within the sphere of western psychology. However, all four psychologists contributed numerous groundbreaking psychology theories. More specifically, James is considered the father of American psychology. In 1875, William James established the first American scientific lab to teach experimental psychology and psychology research theories. While Wilhelm Wundt proposed structuralism, William James established functionalism theory, which centered its argument around physiological psychology principles. The theory of functionalism argued that human emotion came about by physiological changes occurring in reaction to external influences.

Who is the father of psychology in India?

Fathers of psychology in India are Gunamudian David Boaz and Narendranath Sengupta. Narendranath Sengupta is most famous for founding the Indian Psychological Association, the first experimental psychology department at the University of Calcutta, and being an integral part of establishing the Psychology and Educational Science division of the India Science Congress Association. Guardian David Boaz established the first psychology department at the University of Madras.

Who is called the father of psychology?

Depending on which expert in the history of psychology you ask, Wilhelm Wundt, William James, Sigmund Freud, and Carl Rogers hold coveted positions among psychology fathers. Wilhelm Wundt and William James are especially popular for their work in psychology research. While Carl Rogers and Sigmund Freud are more well known for their breakthroughs in clinical psychology.

Who is the father of child psychology?

Psychology theories abound within the field of child psychology. However, one of the most famous of these, the theory of cognitive development, has bestowed the father of child psychology's title on its creator Jean Piaget.

Who is the mother of psychology?

Margaret Floy Washburn was the first woman to earn a doctoral degree in Psychology and the second APA president. She devoted much of her professional life to the study of motor activities and how it influences cognition.

Who founded functionalism?

Educational psychology flourished thanks to William James' establishment of the first American psychological lab devoted to the teaching of experimental psychology. William James is also known as the founder of functionalism, an area of psychology that argues that physiological processes are intrinsically linked to and affect emotional and mental processes.

Who wrote the first psychology textbook?

Scientific psychology textbooks started appearing in the late 19th century. Wilhelm Wundt wrote the first psychology textbook titled "Principles of Physiological Psychology."

Who was Carl Rogers?

Social psychology is a subfield of study first championed by psychologist Carl Rogers. Carl Rogers' theory of social psychology argued that relationships between individuals significantly impacted the individual's emotional and mental well-being.