What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture group of answer choices?

Which of the following concepts refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? Group of answer choices: Personality Behaviorism Human nature Socialization Question 2: Based on the Harlows’ research with rhesus monkeys and the case of Anna, the isolated child, one might reasonably conclude that ________ Group of answer choices: 1.both monkeys and humans “bounce back” from long-term isolation. 2.the two species react differently to social isolation. 3.long-term social isolation leads to permanent developmental damage in both monkeys and humans. 4.even a few days of social isolation permanently damages both monkeys and humans. Question 3: Our basic drives or needs as humans are reflected in Freud’s concept of the ________ Group of answer choices: 1.ego. 2.superego. 3.generalized other. 4.id. Question 4: Applying Freud’s thinking to a sociological analysis of personality development, you would conclude that ________ Group of answer choices: 1.societies encourage people to become self-centered 2.human behavior is basically random. 3.humans have basic, self-centered drives that must be controlled by learning the ways of society. 4.humans can never become cultural creatures. Question 5: Jean Piaget’s focus was on ________ Group of answer choices: 1.how children are stimulated by their environment. 2.the role of heredity in shaping human behavior. 3.cognition, or how people think and understand. 4how children develop their motor skills. Question 6: Carol Gilligan extended Kohlberg’s research, showing that ________ Group of answer choices: 1.boys are more interested in right and wrong than girls are. 2.the ability to assess situations as right and wrong typically develops only as young people enter the teenage years. 3.girls are more interested in right and wrong than boys are. 4.girls and boys typically assess situations as right and wrong using different standards. Question 7: When Cooley used the concept of the “looking-glass self,” he claimed that ________ Group of answer choices: 1.people are self-centered. 2.people see things only from their own point of view. 3.our actions are a reflection of our values. 4.people see themselves as they think others see them. Question 8: In Mead’s model, which sequence correctly orders stages of the developing self? Group of answer choices: 1.Imitation, play, game, generalized other 2.Imitation, generalized other, game, play 3.Imitation, game, play, generalized other 4.Imitation, generalized other, play, game Question 9: Based on what you have read in this chapter, how would sociologists explain the fact that many young people in the United States experience adolescence as a time of confusion? Group of answer choices: 1.There are cultural inconsistencies in the definition of this stage of life as partly childlike and partly adult like. 2.Growth always involves change and change is confusing. 3.Parents are no longer providing proper guidance to young people. 4.Hormones greatly affect young people as they mature. Question 10: Assume you have a business that provides products to older people. Looking ahead, you have reason to expect ________ Group of answer choices: 1.decreasing sales, because your target population is getting smaller. 2.increasing sales, because your target population is increasing in size. 3.little change in sales, because your target population will remain stable. 4.that your target population will increasingly be men.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? Socialization.

Which concept refers to the lifelong experience through which humans develop their personality and learn culture?

Sociologists use the term socialization to refer to the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential?

Socialization, the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.

Which theory developed by the psychologist John B. Watson claims human actions are not instinctive but learned within a social environment?

Which theory, developed by the psychologist John B. Watson, claims that human behavior is not instinctive, but learned within a social environment? Behaviorism. In the nature vs.

What is the term used to refer to the lifelong process whereby people learn the attitude values and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture?

Key Points Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. This is mainly influenced by the immediate family and friends.

What concept refers to a person’s consistent pattern of acting thinking and feeling?

Personality. A persons fairly consistent patterns of acting, thinking, and feeling.

Which stage of human development do individuals experience the world only through sensory contact?

According to Piaget, in what stage of human development do individuals experience the world only through sensory contact? sensorimotor stage.

Which term refers to a group of individuals often of roughly the same age who are linked by common interests and orientations?

peer group. a group of individuals often roughly the same age, who are linked by common interests and orientation.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience?

Socialization, the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings learn and subsequently develop their understanding of how do you interact in society?

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? Socialization. You just studied 41 terms!

What is the term referring to the lifelong social experience by which individuals develop human potential and learn culture?

The lifelong social experience by which. people develop their human potential and. learn culture.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture quizlet?

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? Socialization.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human?

Socialization, the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.

Who claimed that specific patterns of behavior are not instinctive but learned?

Psychologist John B.Watson claimed that specific patterns of human behavior are not instinctive, but learned. The id in Freuds work represents the human beings basic drives, which are unconscious and demand immediate satisfaction.

Which theorist identified challenges that individuals face at each stage of life from infancy to old age?

Erikson (1902-1994) took a broader view of socialization. He explained that we face challenges throughout the life course (1963, orig. 1950). He identified challenges that individuals face at each stage of life from infancy to old age.

When Cooley used the concept of the looking-glass self He claimed what?

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human beings develop their potential and learn culture? Socialization.

What is the lifelong process in which people learn the attitudes values and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture?

Socialization is the lifelong process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies, providing an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within his or her own society.

What is the term that sociologists use to refer to the processes through which we rehearse for future positions occupations and social relationships?

Anticipatory socialization refers to the processes of socialization in which a person rehearses for future positions, occupations, and social relationships.

What is the term for knowledge that people use to make a way of life in their surroundings?

Knowledge that people use to make a way of life in their surroundings is called. technology

How do we learn appropriate behaviors and attitudes?

Observation. Finally, people also learn attitudes by observing people around them. When someone you admire greatly espouses a particular attitude, you are more likely to develop the same beliefs.

What concept refers to a person’s fairly consistent pattern of acting thinking and feeling?

What concept refers to a persons fairly consistent pattern of acting, thinking, and feeling? Personality.

What concept refers to the lifelong social experience by which human being develop their potential and learn culture?

Sociologists use the term socialization to refer to the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture.

What is the term for the ways of thinking ways of acting?

Culture. The ways of thinking, the ways of acting, and the material objects that together form a peoples way of life. Society.

Which of the following concepts defines who and what we are in relation to others?

Which of the following concepts defines who and what we are in relations to others? role set. You just studied 100 terms!

Which stage of development would Piaget say that individuals first begin to use language and other cultural symbols?

According to Jean Piaget, language and other symbols were first used in the preoperational stage.

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