What change was introduced in the mosaics of santapollinare nuovo?

A house church can best be described as:

Choose one answer.

a. A church built onto a family home.
b. A large church built to look like a house.
c. A house that has been renovated and reused as a church.
d. A church that has been renovated and reused as a house.


Images depicting the harvesting of grapes and the brewing of wine signified what in Early Christian art?

Choose one answer.

a. The Eucharist.
b. The resurrection.
c. Original sin.
d. The fertility of the Virgin.


Old St. Peter’s Basilica was believed to have been built on:

Choose one answer.

a. The site of Saint Peter’s martyrdom and burial.
b. The site of Christ’s resurrection.
c. The site of Christ’s birth.
d. The site of King David’s palace.


The earliest representations of Christ (as on the Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus) depict Christ as:

Choose one answer.

a. A man of sorrows.
b. Young and beardless, like Apollo.
c. Old and bearded, like Zeus.
d. Both B and C


The first Christian churches (not house churches) were modeled on which type of Roman building?

Choose one answer.

a. Temples.
b. Baths.
c. Law courts.
d. Granaries.


The inclusion of Adam and Eve in Early Christian art was intended to remind the viewer of:

Choose one answer.

a. Original sin.
b. Human sexuality.
c. Marital love.
d. The continuation of the human race.


The most famous Early Christian house church is:

Choose one answer.

a. Saint John in Lateran.
b. Old Saint Peter's Basilica.
c. The Church at Dura Europos.
d. The Basilica of Constantine and Maxentius.


The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus suggests the growing dominance of Christianity because:

Choose one answer.

a. It was commissioned by and for a member of elite Roman society.
b. It is made of marble.
c. Christ is depicted in the relief sculpture.
d. All of the above.


What brought about the building of many churches and the shift of Christian art from private to public?

Choose one answer.

a. The founding of Constantinople.
b. The martyrdom of Saint Peter.
c. The persecution of Christians.
d. Constantine’s conversion to Christianity.


What is an orant figure?

Choose one answer.

a. A priest saying mass.
b. An angel in flight.
c. A praying figure, with palms facing out.
d. A figure from the Old Testament.


What is the main distinction between Christian imagery created before Constantine and Christian imagery created after Constantine?

Choose one answer.

a. Christian imagery before Constantine was more vague and symbolic than it was after Constantine.
b. Christian imagery after Constantine began to incorporate the emperor into religious narrative scenes.
c. Christian imagery after Constantine was more vague and symbolic than it was before Constantine.
d. After Constantine, Christian imagery was created on a much larger scale than it was before.


What was one major difference between Christianity and other mystery religions that were practiced in the first through third centuries AD?

Choose one answer.

a. Adherents of Christianity believed in miracles.
b. Christianity was monotheistic.
c. Adherents of Christianity believed in an afterlife.
d. All of the above.


What was the focal point of an Early Christian basilican church?

Choose one answer.

a. The apse end and altar.
b. The nave.
c. The vault.
d. The rose window.


Where would you be most likely to find Christian art in late antique Rome?

Choose one answer.

a. Public forums.
b. Bath houses.
c. Law courts.
d. Catacombs.


Which of the following buildings does NOT have a basilican plan?

Choose one answer.

a. Santa Sabina.
b. Santa Costanza.
c. Santa Maria Maggiore.
d. Sant’Apollinare in Classe.


Which of the following Early Christian subjects has no precedent in ancient art?

Choose one answer.

a. The Good Shepherd.
b. Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem.
c. Christ among His Disciples.
d. All of the subjects above have some precedent in ancient art.


Which of the following Old Testament stories is an example of a “prefiguration” of a New Testament story?

Choose one answer.

a. Jonah swallowed by the whale.
b. Daniel in the lion’s den.
c. Abraham’s sacrifice of his son Isaac.
d. All of the above.


Which of the following was NOT one of the ‘types’ of images produced in Early Christian art?

Choose one answer.

a. Pagan religious imagery adapted for Christian use.
b. Images of Christian religious figures.
c. Images of the Nativity of Christ.
d. Images of the Good Shepherd.


Which of the following was NOT present in Old St. Peter’s Basilica?

Choose one answer.

a. A clerestory.
b. A cruciform plan.
c. A barrel vaulted ceiling.
d. Double side aisles.


Which Roman emperor was the first Christian emperor?

Choose one answer.

a. Diocletian.
b. Constantine.
c. Justinian.
d. Theodora.


An “Acheiropoieta” is ________.

Choose one answer.

a. An icon depicting the Virgin and Child.
b. An icon depicting the Virgin as intermediary between the viewer and Christ.
c. A divinely created icon.
d. An icon of Christ as judge of humanity.


Emperor Justinian is best known for ________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Building the Hagia Sophia.
b. Reclaiming lands on the Italian peninsula.
c. His mosaics in Ravenna.
d. All of the above.


Generally speaking, icon paintings:

Choose one answer.

a. Do not use linear or atmospheric perspective.
b. Portray figures frontally, with an emphasis on flatness.
c. Seek to suggest the unreality and otherworldliness of the holy subjects depicted.
d. All of the above.


Hagia Sophia can be considered a combination of which two types of church plans?

Choose one answer.

a. Longitudinal and centralized.
b. Centralized and circular.
c. Cruciform and circular.
d. Centralized and pilgrimage.


Hagia Sophia literally means ____________.

Choose one answer.

a. Holy Emperor.
b. Holy Wisdom.
c. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
d. The light of God.


How did Byzantine mosaics differ from Roman mosaics?

Choose one answer.

a. Byzantine mosaics were more colorful than Roman mosaics.
b. Romans almost never created mosaics, unlike the Byzantines.
c. Byzantine mosaics included figural images, whereas Roman mosaics only included non-figural decoration.
d. Byzantine mosaics often decorated wall surfaces, whereas Romans usually only used mosaics for floors.


How is the dome of Hagia Sophia supported?

Choose one answer.

a. Flying buttresses.
b. A colonnade.
c. A series of semi-domes, arches, and vaults.
d. Hidden scaffolding.


In the Early Byzantine period, _______________ (in addition to the already established basilican type) was produced more and more frequently.

Choose one answer.

a. The domed church.
b. The apsidal church.
c. The groin-vaulted church.
d. The pilgrimage church.


In which of the following works of art can you find a pendentive?

Choose one answer.

a. Old Saint Peter’s Basilica.
b. The Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints.
c. The Justinian Mosaic.
d. Hagia Sophia.


Tesserae are an element of which type of decoration?

Choose one answer.

a. Icon paintings.
b. Mosaics.
c. Windows and doorways.
d. Metalwork.


The city of Ravenna is known for its ___________.

Choose one answer.

a. Well-preserved collection of early icons.
b. Early Byzantine library.
c. Well-preserved Early Byzantine mosaics.
d. All of the above.


The existence of Byzantine ivories is evidence of ___________.

Choose one answer.

a. Byzantine wealth
b. Byzantine cruelty
c. Byzantine trade with Italy
d. Byzantine trade with Africa


The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Sinai has what special role in the history of icon painting?

Choose one answer.

a. It was geographically removed from Byzantium, sparing its art the destruction of the iconoclastic period.
b. It was the main center for iconodules during the iconoclastic controversy.
c. It was the main center for iconoclasts during the iconoclastic controversy.
d. It was a center for restoration of icons that had been damaged during iconoclasm.


The production of which of the following art forms declined during the Early Byzantine period?

Choose one answer.

a. Mosaics.
b. Architecture.
c. Sculpture in the round.
d. Painting.


To what does the phrase ‘Triumph of Orthodoxy’ refer?

Choose one answer.

a. The conversion of the Latin Church to the Byzantine Church.
b. The defeat of enemies through the miraculous assistance of saints in an icon painting.
c. The carrying of an icon in a procession.
d. The end of the iconoclastic period and the return of images of religious figures in Byzantine art.


What are the names of the two architects that designed Hagia Sophia?

Choose one answer.

a. Anthemius of Tralles and Isidorus of Miletus.
b. Hagesandros and Athanadoros.
c. Iktinos and Kallikrates.
d. Justinian and Theodoroa.


What building does the historian Prokopius refer to as having a “perplexing spectacle?”

Choose one answer.

a. Old Saint Peter’s Basilica.
b. Hosios Loukas.
c. The Church at Dura Europos.
d. Hagia Sophia.


What sort of artwork would an iconoclast have been opposed to?

Choose one answer.

a. A reliquary.
b. A mosaic with images of plants and animals.
c. A mosaic depicting the Virgin and Child.
d. A luxurious palace.


What was exceptional about the way in which Hagia Sophia’s architects designed the building?

Choose one answer.

a. It was not planned at all; it was rather designed day by day, on the spot.
b. It was planned ahead in written sketches.
c. The architects were untrained; they put together the plan based on observations of other famous buildings.
d. The architects flagrantly ignored the emperor’s orders.


What was the function of a Byzantine icon?

Choose one answer.

a. To show the wealth and status of the patron.
b. To help bring the worshipper closer to the spiritual world.
c. To tell the story of Christ.
d. All of the above.


When was the iconoclastic period in Byzantium?

Choose one answer.

a. The eighth century.
b. The third century.
c. The fourteenth century.
d. The twelfth century.


Which Byzantine art form is most closely associated with the “encaustic” technique?

Choose one answer.

a. Mosaics.
b. Metalwork.
c. Icon painting.
d. Architectural relief sculpture.


Which of the following depicts a triumphal image?

Choose one answer.

a. The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev.
b. The Barberini Ivory.
c. The Good Shepherd from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia.
d. All of the above.


Which of the following features would you be least likely to encounter in an icon painting?

Choose one answer.

a. A gold background.
b. A white background.
c. A parable.
d. An image of Christ.


Which of the following images is most stylistically related to the Greco-Roman artistic tradition?

Choose one answer.

a. The Good Shepherd Lunette in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna.
b. The Justinian and Theodora mosaics in San Vitale, Ravenna.
c. The apse mosaic from Sant’Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna.
d. The Virgin & Child mosaic in Hagia Sophia, Constantinople.


Which of the following sites has the best-preserved collection of Early Byzantine icons?

Choose one answer.

a. The Vatican library.
b. The Monastery of Saint Catherine at Sinai.
c. San Vitale in Ravenna.
d. The Hippodrome in Constantinople.


Which of the following statements about Hagia Sophia is NOT true?

Choose one answer.

a. It was the highest domed space in the world until the 16th century.
b. Its dome collapsed in an earthquake and had to be rebuilt.
c. It replaced an earlier structure that was burned in a fire.
d. It was commissioned to commemorate the Edict of Milan.


Which of the following statements about icon painting is false?

Choose one answer.

a. Icon paintings refer only to paintings on wood panels.
b. When a worshipper prayed to an icon painting, it was thought that his or her prayer would be communicated directly to the saint depicted in the icon.
c. Some icons were very small and portable.
d. Some icons were thought to have been divinely created.


Who commissioned the building of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople?

Choose one answer.

a. Prokopius.
b. Justinian.
c. Isidorus.
d. Theodora.


Who founded Constantinople?

Choose one answer.

a. Constantius Chlorus.
b. Costanza.
c. Constantine.
d. Justinian.


With regards to their pictorial arts, Byzantine art can best be called an art of ________.

Choose one answer.

a. Depth.
b. Color.
c. Realism.
d. Surfaces.


____________ magnify the effects of light coming through the windows at the base of the dome of Hagia Sophia.

Choose one answer.

a. Mirrors.
b. Strategically placed lights.
c. Reflective gold mosaics.
d. Modified glass in the windows.


Early Byzantine culture and society was most closely aligned with which other culture?

Choose one answer.

a. Greco-Roman.
b. Islamic.
c. Barbarian.
d. Egyptian.


After the sack of Constantinople in 1204, ______________________.

Choose one answer.

a. The Byzantine Emperors quickly regained control of the city
b. The Eastern and Western (Orthodox and Latin) Churches were unified
c. The Venetians occupied Constantinople
d. The Byzantine Empire ceased to exist


Hosios Loukas Monastery is located in which region of the former Byzantine Empire?

Choose one answer.

a. Greece.
b. Constantinople.
c. Syria.
d. Kiev.


In what way does the Basilica of San Marco in Venice resemble an Early Byzantine church?

Choose one answer.

a. It was an imperially commissioned building.
b. It contains no images of holy figures.
c. It has a massive central space that accommodates large numbers of people.
d. It is a choppy, many-roomed building, not ideal for large numbers of people.


Middle Byzantine architecture was most influenced by:

Choose one answer.

a. A societal shift towards privacy.
b. Regional building traditions.
c. Changes in Orthodox liturgy.
d. All of the above.


The ninth century mosaic of the Virgin and Child is an example of _____________.

Choose one answer.

a. A hodegetria image
b. A pantokrator image
c. A theotokos image
d. An ecce homo image


What does Professor Thomas F. Matthews argue about stone relief sculpture in early Armenia?

Choose one answer.

a. It is of inferior quality, proving its peripheral role in Byzantine society.
b. It is highly realistic, foreshadowing the interest in classical revival of the later Italian Renaissance.
c. It copies (no longer extant) icons that once existed in Armenia.
d. All of the above.


When did the Rus’ adopt Orthodox Christianity?

Choose one answer.

a. The third century.
b. 1453.
c. The tenth century.
d. 1204.


When did the so-called “Macedonian Renaissance” occur?

Choose one answer.

a. The Middle Byzantine Period.
b. After the 1453 fall of Byzantium.
c. The Early Byzantine Period.
d. The Late Byzantine Period.


Which church incorporated sculpture that was looted from Constantinople?

Choose one answer.

a. The Basilica of San Marco.
b. Santa Costanza.
c. Hosios Loukas.
d. Old St. Peter’s Basilica.


Which culture produced the “Umilenie” type icon of the Virgin and Child?

Choose one answer.

a. Syria.
b. Rus’ (Russia).
c. Byzantium.
d. Venice.


Which event marked the definitive separation of the Latin and Orthodox Christian Churches?

Choose one answer.

a. Their mutual excommunication of one another in 1054.
b. The Twelfth Crusade of 1204.
c. The First Crusade in the eleventh century.
d. All of the above.


Which of the following cities benefitted the most, financially, from the Sack of Constantinople during the Twelfth Crusade?

Choose one answer.

a. Ravenna.
b. Amiens.
c. Damascus.
d. Venice.


Which of the following did NOT take place during the Middle Byzantine Period?

Choose one answer.

a. A rise in monasticism.
b. The Sack of Constantinople by the Turks.
c. The conversion of the Slavs to Orthodox Christianity.
d. The Twelfth Crusade.


Which of the following painters did NOT work in Russia?

Choose one answer.

a. Cimabue.
b. Theofanes the Greek.
c. Andrei Rubev.
d. Dionisy.


Which of the following works of art provides an example of the trade relationship between Byzantium and the West?

Choose one answer.

a. The Black George.
b. Bishop Gunther’s Shroud.
c. The Good Shepherd from the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna.
d. The Lebanese “Two-Sided Icon.”


With which culture did the Middle Byzantine world NOT come into contact?

Choose one answer.

a. The Latin West.
b. Kievan Rus’.
c. Celtic.
d. Islamic.


Which of the following is NOT a typical feature of Middle Byzantine churches?

Choose one answer.

a. A central dome.
b. Side aisles.
c. A narthex.
d. Open, massive space.


After the fall of Byzantium in 1453, which city claimed to be new capital of Orthodox Christianity?

Choose one answer.

a. Moscow.
b. Rome.
c. Jerusalem.
d. Venice.


After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, Hagia Sophia ____________.

Choose one answer.

a. Was destroyed
b. Became a palace
c. Was extensively remodeled
d. Became a mosque


Andrei Rublev was also a(n) _________.

Choose one answer.

a. Architect
b. Monk
c. Prince
d. Scholar


Architectural decoration in the Late Byzantine Period _________________.

Choose one answer.

a. Was more restrained than it was in earlier Byzantine architecture
b. Typically only realized the possibilities of surface details, such as pattern and color
c. Was ornate, taking advantage of the possibilities of both texture and surface details
d. Typically only took advantage of the possibilities of three-dimensional, textural details
e. Was more restrained than it was in earlier Byzantine architecture
f. Was notable for its pronounced patterns and colors.
g. Was notable for its “unrestrained” quality; it featured both texture and surface detail.
h. Was notable for its texture only.


Art produced on the Island of Crete in the Late Byzantine period shows the influence of which two cultures?

Choose one answer.

a. Byzantium and Russia.
b. Byzantium and Egypt.
c. Byzantium and Italy.
d. Byzantium and Syria.


During the Early, Middle, and Late Byzantine Periods, Orthodox Christian and Islamic culture came into contact with one another in which of the following ways?

Choose one answer.

a. Some Christians remained in areas conquered by Muslims.
b. There was a healthy trade relationship between Islamic and Christian culture.
c. Military conflict brought the two cultures into contact with one another.
d. All of the above.


Portraits of people from Byzantium’s neighboring regions reveal that _________.

Choose one answer.

a. The clothing of Byzantium’s neighbors were influenced by Byzantium
b. Artists could not depict individual features
c. Byzantium’s neighbors suffered tremendous violence at the hands of the Byzantines
d. The Byzantine Empire enslaved many of its neighboring cultures


The Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy celebrates ____________.

Choose one answer.

a. Idolatry
b. The end of iconoclasm
c. The Emperor
d. The Fall of Constantinople


The Kahn Madonna is an example of an icon that merges which two artistic traditions?

Choose one answer.

a. Western and Slavic.
b. Byzantine and Ottoman.
c. Western and Byzantine.
d. Islamic and Western.


The Kariye Camii can best be described as __________.

Choose one answer.

a. Complex
b. Unified
c. Symmetrical
d. All of the above


The Madonna and Child by Duccio is an example of Byzantine influence in ________.

Choose one answer.

a. Russia
b. Italy
c. Crete
d. Syria


The main source of tension between Byzantium and the West was _________.

Choose one answer.

a. The language barrier
b. Political rivalry
c. Conflicting views of Christianity
d. All of the above


The Monastery of Constantine Lips in Istanbul (Constantinople) is an example of _____________.

Choose one answer.

a. Middle Byzantine architecture
b. Late Byzantine architecture
c. Early Christian architecture
d. Early Byzantine architecture


The Mosaic decoration in the Kariye Camii _______________.

Choose one answer.

a. Was never completed
b. Was not part of the original plan
c. Was taken into consideration as the church was designed
d. None of the above


The style of the pictorial imagery in the Kariye Camii is _____________.

Choose one answer.

a. Classicizing
b. Slavic
c. Mannered
d. All of the above


Theophanes the Greek is most famous for painting ___________.

Choose one answer.

a. The Virgin of the Don.
b. The Theotokos from Hagia Sophia.
c. The Holy Trinity.
d. The Saint Francis Altarpiece.


What pictorial technique was popularized in Italy due to Byzantine influence in the Late Byzantine period?

Choose one answer.

a. Relief sculpture.
b. Mosaic imagery.
c. Panel painting.
d. All of the above.


What took place in 1453?

Choose one answer.

a. The fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks.
b. The Great Schism.
c. The Fourth Crusade.
d. The conversion of the Rus’ to Orthodox Christianity.


Which art form was arguably the LEAST innovative in the Late Byzantine Period?

Choose one answer.

a. Mosaic.
b. Painting.
c. Manuscript Illumination.
d. Architecture.


Which event inundated Venice with Byzantine art?

Choose one answer.

a. The Council of Nicea.
b. The building of the Basilica of San Marco.
c. The sack of Constantinople in 1204.
d. The end of iconoclasm.


Which Islamic-inspired detail is included in the decoration of the Monastery of Hosios Loukas in Greece?

Choose one answer.

a. A portrait of Mehmet II.
b. A scene from the Prophet Mohammed’s life.
c. Faux Arabic script.
d. All of the above.


Which of the following cities had a merchant colony in Constantinople?

Choose one answer.

a. Genoa.
b. Siena.
c. Kiev.
d. Paris.


Which period of Byzantine painting is sometimes seen as “Westernizing?”

Choose one answer.

a. The Late Byzantine period.
b. The Middle Byzantine period.
c. The Early Byzantine period.
d. The Komnenian Dynasty.


Which type of icons were produced in the greatest numbers during the Late Byzantine period?

Choose one answer.

a. Mosaic icons in church domes.
b. Icons on wood panels set against a gold background.
c. Icons embroidered into textiles.
d. Miniature mosaics.


Which type of imagery became more and more ubiquitous in the Late Byzantine Period, as the empire’s reach was most expansive?

Choose one answer.

a. Portraits.
b. History painting.
c. Relics.
d. All of the above.


Who painted Russia’s most famous icon, “The Holy Trinity”?

Choose one answer.

a. Simon Ushakov
b. Andrei Rublev
c. Dionisii
d. Wassily Kandinsky


Who painted the thirteenth-century Saint Francis Altarpiece in Italy?

Choose one answer.

a. Theophanes the Greek.
b. Berlinghieri.
c. Duccio.
d. El Greco.


With which neighboring culture did Byzantium share its iconic double-headed eagle symbol?

Choose one answer.

a. The Catholic Church.
b. Islam.
c. The Normans.
d. The Visigoths.


___________ was a thirteenth-century Italian painter who worked in the Byzantine tradition.

Choose one answer.

a. Rublev.
b. Theophanes the Greek.
c. Berlinghieri.
d. Raphael.


Which of the following problems did the Byzantine Empire face in the Late Byzantine Period?

Choose one answer.

a. Decreased population.
b. Political Instability.
c. Devalued currency.
d. All of the above.


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