What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?




By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

  • Format the chart title
  • Format the chart legend
  • Format the axis

The chart title can be formatted to change color, pattern, typeface, size, and alignment using the Format Chart Title dialog box.

To format the chart title:

  • Select the chart title.

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the Format button on the Chart toolbar (or double-click the chart title).

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • The Format Chart Title dialog box contains three different tabs—Patterns, Font, and Alignment—that can be used to format the chart title.
  • The Patterns tab lets you define borders and fill colors (see lesson 13).
  • The Font tab lets you define font, font style, size, and color (see lesson 11).
  • The Alignment tab lets you define horizontal and vertical cell placement, as well as text orientation (see lesson 11).

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the OK button to accept the chart title format changes.

The chart legend displays useful information about the chart. Like a roadmap, the legend identifies what different colors or objects represent in the chart. The chart legend, like the chart title and category axis labels, can be formatted to your liking.

To format the chart legend:

  • Press the show/hide legend button on the Chart toolbar to turn on the legend display. (This button acts like a toggle by turning the display on or off.)

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click to select the chart legend.
  • Click the Format button on the Chart toolbar (or double-click the chart legend).

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • The Format Legend dialog box contains three different tabs—Patterns, Font, and Alignment—that can be used to format the chart title.
  • The Patterns tab lets you define borders and fill colors.
  • The Font tab lets you define font, font style, size, and color.
  • The Placement tab lets you define the location where the legend will appear on the chart.

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the OK button to accept the chart legend format changes.

What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?
The only way to change the actual text that appears in the chart legend is to change the source data in the worksheet.

We've previously made reference to a Y axis and an X axis in Excel. In Excel, a graph represents a data in two dimensions. The number of items sold in January is data on two dimensions: number of items and month. The number of items might be plotted on the Y axis, while the month may be plotted on the X axis. The Y axis runs up and down on the graph, while the X axis runs left to right.

When formatting the axis labels in your chart, you can adjust the numbers on the scale of the chart, as well as change font, color, and style.

To format an axis:

  • Click anywhere in the axis label you want to edit:

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the Format button on the Chart toolbar (or double-click the chart axis).

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • The Format Axis dialog box contains five different tabs—Patterns, Scale, Font, Number, and Alignment—that can be used to format the axis.
  • The Patterns tab lets you define borders and tick marks.
  • The Scale tab lets you define numeric intervals on the value (Y) axis scale.
  • The Font tab lets you define font, font style, size, and color.
  • The Number tab lets you define the format of numbers displayed in the axis (see lesson 12).
  • The Alignment tabs let you define text orientation (see lesson 11).

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the OK button to accept the axis format changes.

What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?
You can also use the angle axis buttons on the chart toolbar to change the angle of the value and category axis.

When a chart is created in Excel 2003, you'll notice that color is automatically applied to the data series. You can keep this format or change it for each data series in the chart. Many different aspects of each data series can be changed, but you'll probably change the color of bars, columns, pie slices, and areas most often.

To change the color of a data series:

  • Select the data series you wish to edit.

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the Format button on the Chart toolbar (or double-click the data series).

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Use the Format Data Series dialog box to pick a new color.

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

  • Click the OK button to accept the Data Series color changes.


  • Open your Monthly Budget file.
  • Format the chart title to Verdana, size 12 font.
  • Select the show/hide legend button until the legend is visible on the chart.
  • Format the legend placement so it is to the left of the chart.
  • Format the Y axis so the currency amount has a dollar symbol ($) in front of it.
  • Modify the color of the January data series so the January column appears GREEN.
  • Save and close the document.


In a chart, click the chart element that you want to change, or do the following to select the chart element from a list of chart elements:

  1. Click anywhere in the chart.
    This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, Layout, and Format tabs.

  2. On the Format tab, in the Current Selection group, click the arrow next to the Chart Elements box, and then select the chart element that you want to format.

    What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

To apply a predefined shape style, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, click the style that you want.

What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

Tip: To see all available shape styles, click the More button

What box identifies the patterns colors that are assigned to the data series categories in a chart?

To apply a different shape fill, click Shape Fill, and then do one of the following:

  • To use a different fill color, under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click the color that you want to use.

    Tip: Before you apply a different color, you can quickly preview how that color affects the chart. When you point to colors that you may want to use, the selected chart element will be displayed in that color on the chart.

  • To remove the color from the selected chart element, click No Fill.

  • To use a fill color that is not available under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click More Fill Colors. In the Colors dialog box, specify the color that you want to use on the Standard or Custom tab, and then click OK.
    Custom fill colors that you create are added under Recent Colors so that you can use them again.

  • To fill the shape with a picture, click Picture. In the Insert Picture dialog box, click the picture that you want to use, and then click Insert.

  • To use a gradient effect for the selected fill color, click Gradient, and then under Variations, click the gradient style that you want to use.
    For additional gradient styles, click More Gradients, and then in the Fill category, click the gradient options that you want to use.

  • To use a texture fill, click Texture, and then click the texture that you want to use.

To apply a different shape outline, click Shape Outline, and then do one of the following:

  • To use a different outline color, under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click the color that you want to use.

  • To remove the outline color from the selected chart element, click No Outline.

    Note: If the selected element is a line, the line will no longer be visible on the chart.

  • To use an outline color that is not available under Theme Colors or Standard Colors, click More Outline Colors. In the Colors dialog box, specify the color that you want to use on the Standard or Custom tab, and then click OK.
    Custom outline colors that you create are added under Recent Colors so that you can use them again.

  • To change the weight of a line or border, click Weight, and then click the line weight that you want to use.
    For additional line style or border style options, click More Lines, and then click the line style or border style options that you want to use.

  • To use a dashed line or border, click Dashes, and then click the dash type that you want to use.
    For additional dash-type options, click More Lines, and then click the dash type that you want to use.

  • To add arrows to lines, click Arrows, and then click the arrow style that you want to use. You cannot use arrow styles for borders.
    For additional arrow style or border style options, click More Arrows, and then click the arrow setting that you want to use.

To apply a different shape effect, click Shape Effects, click an available effect, and then select the type of effect that you want to use.

Note: Available shape effects depend on the chart element that you selected. Preset, reflection, and bevel effects are not available for all chart elements.