What are the responsibilities of a purchasing manager?

A purchasing manager buys products for organizations to use or resell. They evaluate suppliers, negotiate contracts, review product quality, and often supervise purchasing agents and buyers. In smaller companies, the purchasing manager may also act as the agent or buyer.

What are the responsibilities of a purchasing manager?

Purchasing managers typically do the following:

  • Evaluate suppliers based on price, quality, and delivery speed
  • Interview vendors and visit suppliers' plants and distribution centers to examine and learn about products, services, and prices
  • Attend meetings, trade shows, and conferences to learn about new industry trends and make contacts with suppliers
  • Analyze price proposals, financial reports, and other information to determine reasonable prices
  • Negotiate contracts on behalf of their organization
  • Work out policies with suppliers, such as when products will be delivered
  • Meet with staff and vendors to discuss defective or unacceptable goods or services and determine corrective action
  • Evaluate and monitor contracts to be sure that vendors and supplies comply with the terms and conditions of the contract and to determine need for changes
  • Maintain and review records of items bought, costs, deliveries, product performance, and inventories

Purchasing managers buy products, durable and nondurable goods, and services for organizations and institutions. They try to get the best deal for their organization - the highest quality goods and services at the lowest cost. They do this by studying sales records and inventory levels of current stock, identifying foreign and domestic suppliers, and keeping up to date with changes affecting both the supply of, and demand for, products and materials. They consider price, quality, availability, reliability, and technical support when choosing suppliers and merchandise. To be effective, they must have a working technical knowledge of the goods or services to be bought.

Evaluating suppliers is one of the most critical functions of a purchasing manager. Many organizations now run on a lean manufacturing schedule and use just-in-time inventories, so any delays in the supply chain can shut down production and potentially cost the organization customers.

Purchasing managers use many resources to find out all they can about potential suppliers. They attend meetings, trade shows, and conferences to learn about new industry trends and make contacts with suppliers. They often interview prospective suppliers and visit their plants and distribution centres to assess their capabilities. For example, they may discuss the design of products with design engineers, quality concerns with production supervisors, or shipping issues with managers in the receiving department. They must make certain that the supplier can deliver the desired goods or services on time, in the correct quantities, and without sacrificing quality.

Once purchasing managers have gathered enough information on the various suppliers, they sign contracts only with the suppliers who meet the organization's needs, and they place orders. Buyers who purchase items to resell to customers largely determine which products their organization will sell. They need to be able to predict what will appeal to their customers. If they are wrong, they could jeopardize the profits and reputation of their organization.

Purchasing managers have distinct personalities. They tend to be enterprising individuals, which means they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic. They are dominant, persuasive, and motivational. Some of them are also conventional, meaning they’re conscientious and conservative.

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Most purchasing managers work in comfortable offices. Travel is sometimes necessary to visit vendors, and purchasers for global organizations may need to travel outside the country.

Purchasing Managers are also known as:
Manager of Purchasing Purchasing Supervisor

What are the responsibilities of a purchasing manager?

As the world becomes more globalized and supply chains grow in complexity, corporate roles have evolved and changed. The purchasing manager is one such role that has grown in importance as the global business landscape has transformed.

Also known as a buying manager or a purchasing director, the purchase manager heads a department responsible for procuring products and services for use or resale by their organization.

It’s far more complex than simply making purchases in the name of the company. By understanding the role of purchasing management, you can streamline your company while ensuring the highest quality in purchased goods and services.

What Does a Purchasing Manager Do?

Understanding the precise nature of purchase management and supply chain purchasing enables your company to define the role and customize your purchase management system for maximum efficiency.

So, what is a purchasing manager?

The responsibilities of the purchase manager depend on the industry and the company. Whether purchasing raw materials for manufacturing or working with manufacturers to secure finished goods, their duties can be many and varied.

A huge part of the role involves managing teams of other professionals in supply chain purchasing and procurement.


When asking, “What is purchasing management?” you need to think about what the needs of your organization are and the skilled professionals at its disposal.

The duties of the purchasing manager can include but are not limited to:

  • Determining order frequency.
  • Evaluating different suppliers.
  • Defining shipping requirements.
  • Ensuring purchases meet the criteria of the company.
  • Negotiating contracts.
  • Discussing and defining prioritized criteria.

Purchasing management also involves significant amounts of delegation and oversight. These professionals are required to manage multiple ongoing projects at once.

Differences Between Companies

This role is extremely broad, and the buying manager must be comfortable pivoting to best meet the company’s needs.

Although the responsibilities of such a professional will differ depending on the industry and the business, studies have shown that most managers will approach their roles using a similar six or seven-step sourcing process.

Purchasing Manager vs. Supply Chain Manager

What are the responsibilities of a purchasing manager?

These terms are often used interchangeably. In smaller companies, it’s not uncommon for the same person to hold both titles. However, although many of their responsibilities overlap, there is a difference between the two.

Unlike a purchase manager, a supply chain manager will hold responsibilities that cover the entire supply chain.

Supply chain managers deal with both inbound orders and the outbound flow of goods and services. These professionals must manage the entire inbound and outbound supply chain while driving cost savings and reducing risk.

In other words, this is a management role that takes a higher-level view than that of a manager responsible for purchasing alone.

However, whatever the role, both of these managers will be expected to regularly collaborate on overall supply chain issues.

What Skills and Experience Does a Purchasing Manager Need?

Despite the fact the role changes depending on the industry, employers expect potential candidates to possess certain skills and qualifications.

Above all, most companies prefer their managers to have experience within their industry already. This is why it’s not uncommon for these roles to be filled via internal promotion.

Skill Sets

Financial management is considered to be the most highly prized skill in this field. Purchasing managers must be able to work within a set budget to achieve the company’s goals.

Other soft skills required include:

  • Strong communication skills.
  • Great management skills.
  • Excellent research skills.
  • Interpersonal skills.

As mentioned above, most employers prefer their managers to already have an intimate knowledge of the industry they work in.


Most employers expect a Bachelor’s degree in business, finance, or economics. Employers also prefer candidates to hold specific supply chain certifications. When promoting internally, it’s not uncommon for employers to train chosen candidates via external training programs.

How to Become a Purchasing Manager

Assuming you already have the required educational qualifications, here’s what you need to know about becoming a purchase manager.

Step One – Get the experience. Most managers possess a minimum of five years’ worth of experience as an agent or buyer.

Step Two – Be aware that you may need to return to school in order to be eligible for top-level positions. Employers are increasingly asking for candidates to possess a master’s level qualification.

Step Three – Obtain certifications in supply chain management. There are several recognized qualifications, including CPSM, CPPM, CPP, CSCP, and SPSM. Some of these require regular renewal through additional classes and examinations.

Since so many employers prefer to promote internally, a track record of working within your company could mean that your employer is willing to pay for additional training for this role.

However, it should be mentioned that there’s no one path to securing this position.


Purchasing management is an essential function of any company. This is a highly specialized role with huge amounts of responsibility attached to it.

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