What are the impacts to organization benefits of performing IT security audit in organization?

Technology capabilities continue to explore uncharted waters, and compliance regulations remain right behind them. The complexities that make cybersecurity not just viable, but necessary in today’s digital landscape are the same complexities that put you at risk to a myriad of threats. Audits are stigmatized because of their severity and invasiveness, but it’s that same diligence that makes you feel confident that your data is protected. These are the benefits of a cybersecurity audit.

What is a Cybersecurity Audit?

A cybersecurity audit is a holistic analysis of the level of protection around your data infrastructure. The information you’ll pull from this process will include threats, vulnerabilities, weak links in your security structures, and practices that are putting you at higher risk. Using specific standards rolled out by compliance experts, these audits will measure your level of protection against what is considered baseline protection.

Five Cybersecurity Audit Benefits

Running a cybersecurity audit isn’t just about passing a compliance test. There are specific benefits to your business that most don’t think about when they’re deciding whether it’s time for an audit. Besides reducing downtime and saving money lost in the event of a cyberattack, here are 5 benefits you can look forward to.

1) Ensure Your Data is Protected

A lot of companies make the mistake of assuming their proprietary data is protected. Having a cadence for auditing things like network access control, encryption use, transmissions, and other highly sensitive activities ensures that the mechanisms used to breach these systems are doing their jobs. Just because you haven’t been the victim of a cybersecurity attack doesn’t mean you’re not at risk, and regular audits are the only way to be certain they’re not coming.

2) View Operations from A New Angle

While pulling the curtain back on your digital security, you’re also getting a unique glimpse into how your business operations are running. An in-depth analysis of your infrastructure gives you the information necessary to optimize not just cybersecurity, but the entirety of your operations. A 3rd party audit gives you an even more unbiased view, and an opportunity to become even more honest about what could be improved.

3) Identify Gaps in Your Protection

When you’re deciding which cybersecurity solution is best for you, it’s important to understand what your specific issues are. Surfacing those gaps in coverage gives you the unique information needed to customize an approach that best serves your needs.

4) Stay Ahead of Regulations

Regulations aren’t going anywhere. Data will continue to drive our industries, and protecting that data will remain a priority going forward. The longer you wait to take a hard look at your security systems, the more you’re falling behind on the policies that protect your business—and not just from security threats. Compliance penalties can result in hefty fines that cut into your bottom line.

5) Use Recommendations to Improve

An external audit allows you to get fresh, expert eyes on the entirety of your business. This unbiased assessment—coupled with your willingness to accept objective analysis—takes the pressure off understanding the intricacies of your security needs. An expert does this work for you, and subsequently recommends compliant solutions that protect you against threats specific to your business.

Staying Audit-Ready

The benefits of staying audit-ready are just as advantageous as receiving the actual audit. But staying audit-ready takes diligence, commitment, and time that you don’t have. That’s why investing in a cloud-based solution can help you stay consistently compliant while saving you from spending resources on internal upkeep. By implementing access policies within a cloud identity governance system, you can take your hands off the wheel while the system maintains the shifting landscape of who needs access to what.

Final Thoughts

Technology is evolving, and so are its threats. The more you automate your access control systems, the less pressure you’ll feel when the time comes for a cybersecurity audit. SailPoint can provide identity governance tools that keep you abreast with the changing compliance landscape while maintaining data security for you. Learn more about how SailPoint can help you comply with global government regulations.

The Importance of IT Security Audits

What are the impacts to organization benefits of performing IT security audit in organization?

In today’s modern day and age, it is crucial for companies to take their Information Technology systems seriously to avoid the possibility of cyber-attacks and data breaches. A great way for companies to ensure their Security remains up to date and compliant is to perform regular IT Security Audits.

What is an IT Security Audit?

To begin defining an IT Security Audit, we can examine the formal definition of an Audit as provided by the Institute of Internal Auditors: “independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisation’s operations. It helps an organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.”

An Information Technology Security audit is a  comprehensive review of your company’s entire IT infrastructure. This includes a full review of your IT systems, management, applications, and data uses amongst other processes. The purpose of this audit is to evaluate the overall safety of your network. A good comprehensive audit would suggest improvements and identify any weaknesses in your system, to ensure greatest operating efficiency and cybersecurity.

What are the Benefits of IT Security Audits?

Companies should perform regular IT Security Audits to determine if their infrastructure properly is able to secure the company’s data and assets. There are many benefits to performing these audits regularly:

  • Reducing Expenses – IT Audits can help you uncover which services you no longer need as well as outdated software and help your company save money in the long run.
  • Ensuring Compliance – Regular IT Audits will also ensure that your company’s Information Technology platform and systems are up to date with your country’s standards. This will help avoid any legal disputes and fines down the line.
  • Verify Security Effectiveness – Certified IT auditors will use various tests to verify how effective your current cybersecurity processes are.
  • Improve Communication within the Company – Regular IT audits can enhance the communication between different departments with the Information Technology department.

Types of IT Security Audits

There are four main types of security tests in an IT audit. These include: Vulnerability Tests, Penetration Tests, Risk Assessments as well as Compliance Audits

Vulnerability tests are performed to identify any loopholes or risks in your IT system’s design, to reduce risk. Penetration tests are used to stimulate disruptive conditions and break into your system, such as sending email links with malware. These are great for improving employee security training and testing antivirus software. Next, Risk Assessments are used to identify and eliminate risks associated with using your company’s IT systems. When risks are identified, the next step for companies is to determine what investments should be made to eliminate those risks. Lastly, Compliance Audits ensure that your company’s IT systems adhere to the legal standards in your country or industry.

Regular and successful IT Audits will ensure that your company’s IT systems are well protected against modern threats, and compliant to regulations. The best way to protect your company’s security in today’s technological society is through expert auditors.

By: Joanna Ambros, MBA