What are the horn signals for ships?

One of the first things you'll notice when cruising is that cruise ships have a VERY loud horn that while it could be used like your car's horn - actually has a more sophisticated use. While you might just blast your car's horn at a driver that cuts you off, or tap it to let someone know they can go, cruise ships have an internationally recognized set of horn signals that lets everyone around them know exactly what's going on.

When Were The Cruise Ship Horn Signals Established?

In fact, signal horns aren't isn't just for cruise ships. They were codified in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea in 1972 and apply to all maritime vessels. In the United States, a similar act was passed in 1980 called the Inland Navigation Rules Act and is a federal statute approved by Congress. However, they were based on earlier conventions and maritime law as practices by the United States and England starting in the mid-19th century. I'm not going to get into more detail about the legal details of these rules regulating horn signals since there are so many vessels out there. Suffice to say, every modern cruise ship adheres to the same simple regulations around signals, regardless of whether they are cruising to Mexico, Canada, or California along the west coast, or an expedition to Antarctica. 

What are the horn signals for ships?

What Do Cruise Ship Horn Signals Mean?

There are six different signal horn blast patterns that you will hear on a cruise ship, though the sixth one I hope you will never hear!

One Short Blast - This signal means that your cruise ship intends to pass on it's port side. In inland waters near the port or harbor, this also indicates the cruise ship is changing course to starboard.

One Long Blast - This signal lasting 4-6 seconds means that your ship is leaving the dock. It is a notice to all others around it to be aware that the ship is moving.

Are You Ready To Book A Cruise?

Two Short Blasts - Similar to One Short Blast meaning that your ship is passing on the port side, two short blasts means your ship will be passing another on it's starbord side. When in inland waters, this signal horn also means that the ship is changing course to port.

Three Short Blasts - This signal blast means that the ship is backing away from the dock.

One Long Blast Followed by Three Short Blasts - This is actually a combination of two signals horn blasts, letting those around you know that your cruise ship is underway and backing away from the dock.

Five Short Blasts - DANGER! This is a horn signal that you hope to never hear when on a cruise. Regardless of which vessel you are on, this is never a signal blast pattern that you want to hear. Unfortunately, cruise ships are massive vessels and navigation at sea is often an imprecise practice that puts even the best pilot and captain at the mercy of strong and unpredictable winds and currents.

There's also one more signal that very few people will ever hear outside of a drill ...

Seven Short Horn Blasts followed by One Long Blast - This horn signal indicates a general emergency and will also be accompanied by alarms and visual indicators depending on the ship you are sailing on. 

Cruise Ship Horns Can Be Just For Fun Too!

While cruise ships carry powerful signal horns to ensure safety and communicate with other vessels and structures around them in the harbor, sometimes the horns are used for fun too. No cruise line does this more frequently and with as great sophistication as Disney Cruise Line, though it is not uncommon to hear music produced by the horns on MSC and Cunard ships too.

So now you know what cruise ship horn signals mean and when to expect them. Be careful though if you are on the upper decks during sailaway since forward viewing areas on the upper decks of some ships can be uncomfortablly close to the signal horns. If that's where you find yourself, be prepared to cover your ears!

When two power-driven vessels encounter each other within one half mile, sound signals must be used. The initiating vessel indicates a maneuver, and the responding vessel agrees or disagrees.

1 short blast (1 second) I want to pass you on my port side (Hint: PORT = 1 syllable = 1 short blast)
2 short blasts I want to pass you on my starboard side (Hint: STARBOARD = 2 syllables = 2 short blasts)
3 short blasts Engine is in reverse
5 short blasts Danger, or do not understand approaching boat's intentions
1 prolonged blast (4-6 seconds) Warning:
  • Entering or exiting a blind turn
  • Nearing an obstructed area
  • Leaving a dock or a berth
1 prolonged blast every 2 minutes Power-driven vessel operating in low or restricted visibility
1 prolonged blast + 2 short blasts every 2 minutes Sailing vessel operating in low or restricted visibility


Both commercial and recreational watercraft use horns and sound signals to indicate their intentions to other boaters.

Sound signals are used in place of other signals that you might see in other vehicles, such as turn signal lights or other visual indications.

Utilizing the proper sound signals is a part of the navigational rules that all boaters need to know.

If you are going to operate a boat, you should learn how to properly utilize and understand boating horn signals:

What are the horn signals for ships?

8 Sound Signals Everyone Should Know

Have you ever been boating recreationally, and another ship honks its horn at you?

This might at first seem like a friendly greeting, but it most likely means that the other vessel is trying to communicate to you and tell you something.

When navigating in the water, especially in crowded conditions, using your sound signals can announce your intentions to other boaters.

3 Sound Signals that Indicate Direction:

  1. A Short Blast
    This horn signal indicates the plan to pass on your port side (this requires a turn to the right).
  2. Two Short Blasts
    This horn signal indicates the plan to pass on your starboard side (this requires a turn to the left).
  3. Three Short Blasts
    This signal indicates that you are backing up.

2 Sound Signals that Indicate Location:

  1. One Long Blast This boat horn signal is sometimes called the “blind bend signal.” It can be used to indicate you are approaching a bend in a river where oncoming traffic might not see you.

    It can also mean you are leaving your dock or slip.

    1. You can combine 1 long blast followed by 3 short blasts to indicated backing out of your dock or slip.
    2. You can also use 1 long blast in intervals less than two minutes to indicate in blind areas or fog that you are a power vessel.
  2. One Long Blast and Two Short Blasts
    This boat signal indicated in blind areas or fog that your vessel is a sailing vessel.  It should be repeated every two minutes.

2 Sound Signals to Use in the Channel

  1. One Long Blast and One Short Blast
    This signal indicates you plan to overtake the boat ahead of you on your port side (this requires a turn to the right).
  2. One Long Blast and 2 Short Blasts
    This signal indicates that you plan to overtake the boat ahead of you on your starboard side (this requires a turn to the left).

A Sound Signal that Indicates Danger

5 Short Blasts
This horn signal indicates danger and can be used to communicate potential collision with another vessel.

It can also be used while approaching an oncoming vessel that you do not understand their intentions or are otherwise confused by their actions.

In a channel where travel is often faster, communication is even more important. The channel’s signals follow the system above direction signals that include the preceding long blast warning signal.

Boat Horn Signal Basics

To properly use and understand sound signals, you will need to understand the basics.

Sound signals for boats need to be loud and heard up to a half of a nautical mile away. Sound signals include both short and long blasts:

  • Short blasts would be a sound that lasts 1 second.
  • Long blasts should last between 4-6 seconds so that other boaters can be confident in the difference between your short and long blasts.

Sound signals can be used to communicate a change in direction, pass other boaters, indicate the location, or alert someone to danger.

Sound signals are typically used in conditions with good visibility and are not appropriate in high fog. Only emergency fog signals should be used in scenarios with low visibility.

Port vs. Starboard

One thing that will help any boat operator or a passenger know the difference between port and starboard. To correctly identify to port and starboard side, you will need to be looking towards the boat’s front.

  • The port side is the left side of the boat if you are looking towards the bow.
  • The starboard side is the right side of the boat if you are looking towards the bow.

Knowing the difference between port and starboard is important. This is because they are fixed directions on your boat and never change, while directions like “right” and “left” can change depending on the direction you are facing.

If everyone knows the difference between port and starboard, it can minimize confusion that can be brought on by using “right” and “left.”

Starboard stems from old English words meaning “steer” and “the side of a boat” because most rowers were right-handed.

The Portside was named for the side that faced the port and allowed for boarding.

5 Basic Navigation Rules Everyone Should Know:

Even though boating can be a fun, family-friendly activity, it can also be stressful and intimidating if you don’t know the proper navigation rules.

It can be even more stressful when waterways are crowded and busy.

As a boat operator, it is your job to ensure the safety of you and your passengers and be respectful and cautious of fellow boaters.

Below are some basics you should know that can help you and your passengers enjoy a safe boating experience when paired with the use of sound signals.

Some basic safety tips that everyone should know include:

  1. Do not go too fast.
    Accidents can be prevented by using safe speeds and only going fast when the conditions allow for it, and you have enough space to slow down if needed.
  2. Be careful.
    Not every boater knows the basic navigation rules, so you should not count on everyone following them. If other boaters seem to be exhibiting unsafe behavior, it is best to keep your distance.
  3. Be respectful.
    Other boaters may have some things going on that you cannot see. Make sure when interacting with other vessels, you are respectful of them. If you have the right of way, but it makes sense for them to go, you should give them the right way, especially if this is a safer option.
  4. Avoid government crafts and restricted areas.
    Government vessels should be given the right of way whenever possible, and you should make sure you are giving them the proper space.
  5. Know the basic navigation rules and how to determine the right of way.

Some basic navigation and right of way rules include:

When approaching a non-power vessel:

  • When a sailboat is using their sails for power, they have the right of way.
  • If they are using their auxiliary power motor, they should be treated as a powerful vehicle.

When approaching a power vessel:

  • If the boat is approaching from the port side, you have the right of way.
  • If the boat is approaching from the starboard side, they have the right of way.
  • If the boat is approaching from behind, you will have the right of way, even if they are a non-power vessel.
  • If you approach a boat head-on, you should pass each other port side to port side, unless otherwise agreed.

How You Should Respond to Sound Signals

You need to know while utilizing sound signals that a mimicked signal usually signifies agreement.

For example, if another boater uses 1 short blast to indicate that they are passing on their port side, you would respond with your own single short blast to indicate that you understand and agree.

This communication will help you and the other boater know that you both understand what is going on and agree to the indicated maneuver.

If you disagree with the other boater’s proposed maneuver, you can signal this with 5 short blasts. This indicates to them that you do not agree with or understand their proposed maneuver.

The Importance of Safety Sound Signals

You might not think these signals are important to know. Perhaps you have been boating for years without using them. But they are essential.

Most boating accidents are caused by user error and can be avoided with proper knowledge and training.

Over 80% of boating accidents are caused by people who have not had the proper boaters training course. This is because not all states require everyone to have a “boater’s license” or Boater Education Card.

As a result of this lack of proper education and training, many people out on the water never learned how to utilize these signals or the navigation rules properly.

You must know these rules so that you properly execute the right of way and safely navigate around other vessels.

However, despite your proper utilization of navigation rules and proper sound signals, you will still want to be careful and cautious around your fellow boaters. Those who do not know the rules will likely not utilize them.

Never assume that just because you have the right of way or are otherwise properly communicating, other people will understand you or follow the right of way rules.

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