What are the 5 modes of transmission?

Transmission is the process by which a pathogen spreads from one host to another. Diseases or infections are transmitted in many ways. It may be directly transmitted from one person to another, or by certain bacteria, viruses, protozoa, or fungi. There are two different modes of transmission of diseases:

  • Direct Transmission– This occurs when the pathogen is transmitted directly from an infected person. For eg., if an open wound comes in contact with the blood of a Hepatitis B infected patient, the wounded person might contract the disease.

  • Indirect Transmission- When the pathogens are not transmitted directly from the infected person but through vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, ticks, dogs, etc., it is known as indirect transmission.

Disease Transmission

Direct Transmission

1. Person to Person

When an infected person comes in contact with or exchanges body fluids with a non-infected person. A mother can transmit infections to the unborn child via the placenta. A sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhoea can be transmitted by direct transmission.

2. Droplet Transmission

The droplets spread during sneezing, speaking, and coughing by an infected person can spread infections. The infections can also spread by touching the nose and mouth with the hands contaminated with infectious droplets. The droplets are so minute that they travel only a short distance before falling. The people nearby might contract infections.

3. Spread by skin

There are a few infections such as chickenpox, conjunctivitis, head lice, ringworm, etc., which spread when the skin of an infected person comes in contact with the skin of the other person.

4. Spread through body fluids or blood

A few diseases spread when the body fluids or blood of an infected person come in contact with the mucous membrane or bloodstream of an uninfected person. Diseases such as hepatitis, HIV, cytomegalovirus infections, etc. spread through semen and vaginal fluids, saliva, breastmilk, urine, etc.

Also read: Health and Diseases

Indirect Transmission

1. Airborne Transmission

Some infectious agents remain suspended in the air for a long period of time. These pathogens might attack the immune system of a person in contact. E.g. if you enter a room that was initially occupied by a patient of measles, you too might catch the infection.

2. Contaminated Objects

The objects around us carry pathogens. Touching the infected objects which were initially used by a diseased person might render us diseased. Contaminated blood and medical supplies can also spread infections.

3. Vector-Borne Diseases

Some infectious agents are transmitted by the blood-sucking insects. The insects feed on hosts such as birds, animals, and humans and carry infectious agents from them. These infections are transmitted to some new host. Malaria and Lyme disease are the two vector-borne diseases.

4.Food and Drinking Water

Improperly canned and undercooked food is the main source of infections. Water also carries various pathogens from rivers and lakes. It should be boiled or filtered before use. E.coli is transmitted through contaminated food which causes various stomach problems. Botulism is caused by the consumption of improperly canned food. Cholera is one water-borne disease which has affected millions of people consuming contaminated water.

5.Transmission through Animals

When an infected animal bites or scratches against a person, it transfers the infectious agents to the person. These agents can also be transmitted through animal waste. When diseases are transferred from animals to people, zoonosis occurs. Anthrax (sheep), rabies (dogs), plague (rodents) are some of the diseases transmitted from animals to humans. Pregnant women and people with weak immune systems are more prone to infections.

6.Environmental Factors

The infectious agents are present in soil, water and plants as well. These agents can be transmitted to people and may cause diseases. For eg., Hookworm is transmitted through contaminated soil. Legionnaires’ disease is spread by water supplied to condensers and cooling towers.

Also read: Principles of Prevention

Different Modes of Transmission of Diseases

An overview of different modes of disease transmission is given below:

Disease Transmission

Modes of Disease Transmission

Diseases Caused

Direct Transmission

Spread Through droplets

Cold, cough

Spread by skin

Conjunctivitis, chickenpox

Spread through blood or body fluids

HIV, Hepatitis

Person to person


Indirect Transmission

Airborne transmission

Measles, Influenza

Contaminated objects

Cold, syphilis

Vector-borne transmission

Malaria, Lyme disease

Transmission through food and water

Cholera, diarrhoea

Transmission through animals

Rabies, anthrax

Environmental factors

Hookworm, Legionnaires’ disease

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Pathogens may be transferred from the source to a host by direct or indirect contact transmission and by respiratory transmission. Respiratory transmission may result from inhalation of droplets; or from inhalation of droplet nuclei, i.e., airborne transmission.1 Droplets and droplet nuclei are generated when people talk, breath, cough, or sneeze; or when water is converted to a fine mist by medical/dental devices, such as high-speed handpieces, ultrasonic instruments, or by lasers and electrosurgical units.1

Direct contact transmission occurs when pathogens are transferred between individuals without a contaminated intermediate person, object, or environmental surface.1 For example, when blood or other potentially infectious materials from an infected person enters the body of a susceptible person through direct contact with mucous membrane or breaks in the skin, e.g., when pathogens are transferred from a patient to a HCP during ungloved contact with mucous membrane or skin.

Indirect contact transmission occurs when pathogens are transferred between individuals via a contaminated intermediate person, object, or environmental surface.1 For example, when the hands of HCP become contaminated and hand hygiene is not performed prior to touching the next patient; when contaminated patient-care items are shared between patients without having been adequately cleaned, disinfected, or sterilized; or in association with contaminated sharps and needlestick injuries.

Respiratory transmission associated with the inhalation of droplets, i.e., airborne particles of moisture greater than 5 µm that may contain potentially infectious pathogens, is generally limited to within 3 feet of the source; but it may also result from physical transfer of pathogens from a body surface, such as the hands contaminated with respiratory secretions; or contact of a susceptible host with contaminated intermediate objects or environmental surfaces.1

Airborne transmission is a form of respiratory transmission associated with inhalation of droplet nuclei, i.e., residuals of droplets ranging in size from 1-5 µm that while suspended in air dried out, but may still contain potentially infectious pathogens.1 In a cool setting, droplet nuclei may remain in the air indefinitely and travel long distances, i.e., extend beyond 3 feet of the source. Droplet nuclei may also contaminate intermediate objects or environmental surfaces.

Infectious diseases are transmitted from person to person by direct or indirect contact.

Certain types of viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi can all cause infectious diseases. Malaria, measles, and respiratory illnesses are examples of infectious diseases.

Simple preventive measures, such as frequent handwashing, can cut down on disease transmission.

Infectious diseases are often spread through direct contact. Types of direct contact include the following.

1. Person-to-person contact

Infectious diseases are commonly transmitted through direct person-to-person contact. Transmission occurs when a person with an infectious disease touches or exchanges body fluids with someone else. This can happen before they are aware of the illness. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and gastrointestinal infections can be transmitted this way.

Pregnant people can also transmit infectious diseases to their unborn fetuses via the placenta. Some STDs, including gonorrhea, can be passed from gestational parent to baby during childbirth.

2. Droplet spread

The spray of droplets during coughing and sneezing can spread an infectious disease. You can even infect another person through droplets created when you speak. Since droplets fall to the ground within a few feet, this type of transmission requires close proximity.

Infectious diseases can also be spread indirectly through the air and other mechanisms. For example:

1. Airborne transmission

Some infectious agents can travel long distances and remain suspended in the air for an extended period of time. You can catch a disease like measles by entering a room after someone with measles has departed.

2. Contaminated objects

Some organisms can live on objects for a short time. If you touch an object, such as a doorknob, soon after a person with an infectious disease, you might be exposed to infection. Transmission occurs when you touch your mouth, nose, or eyes before thoroughly washing your hands.

Germs can also be spread through blood products and medical supplies containing the virus or bacteria.

3. Food and drinking water

Infectious diseases can be transmitted via food and water containing the virus or bacteria.E. coli is often transmitted through improperly handled produce or undercooked meat. Improperly canned foods can create an environment ripe for Clostridium botulinum, which can lead to botulism.

4. Animal-to-person contact

Some infectious diseases can be transmitted from an animal to a person. This can happen when an animal with an infection bites or scratches you, or when you handle animal waste. The Toxoplasma gondii parasite can be found in cat feces.

Pregnant people and people with compromised immune systems should take extra care (disposable gloves and good handwashing) when changing cat litter, or avoid it altogether.

5. Animal reservoirs

Animal-to-animal disease transmission can sometimes transfer to humans. Zoonosis occurs when diseases are transferred from animals to people. Zoonotic diseases include:

6. Insect bites (vector-borne disease)

Some zoonotic infectious agents are transmitted by insects, especially those that suck blood. These include mosquitos, fleas, and ticks.

The insects become infected when they feed on infected hosts, such as birds, animals, and humans. The disease is then transmitted when the insect bites a new host.

Malaria, West Nile virus, and Lyme disease are all spread this way.

7. Environmental reservoirs

Soil, water, and vegetation containing infectious organisms can also be transferred to people.

Hookworm, for example, is transmitted through infected soil. Legionnaires’ disease is an example of a disease that can be spread by water that supplies cooling towers and evaporative condensers.

Because infectious diseases can spread through direct or indirect contact, everyone is at risk of illness. You have a higher risk of becoming ill when you’re around sick people or in areas susceptible to germs.

If you work in or visit a care center, day care center, hospital, or doctor’s office, take extra precautions to protect yourself.

1. Illness

Something as simple as touching a doorknob, elevator button, light switch, or another person’s hand increases the likelihood of coming in contact with germs that can make you sick. The good news is that a few simple precautions can prevent some disease transmission.

Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly: Use soap and warm water and vigorously rub your hands together for at least 20 seconds. If you can’t wash your hands, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Washing your hands is the gold standard though!

Other tips to prevent the spread of disease in areas with germs include:

  • wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before handling food and after shaking hands
  • always wash with soap and water if your hands are visibly soiled
  • try to minimize touching your mouth or nose with your hands
  • avoid sick people, if possible
  • wear disposable gloves to avoid contact with blood and feces
  • use disposable gloves when caring for an ill person
  • cover your mouth when you sneeze and cough and wash your hands afterward
  • teach children not to put their hands or objects in their mouths
  • sanitize toys and changing tables

2. Foodborne illness

Dangerous organisms can thrive in improperly prepared food. Avoid cross-contamination by keeping raw meats and produce separate. Use different preparation surfaces for raw meats and wash surfaces and utensils thoroughly.

Freeze or refrigerate perishable foods and leftovers promptly. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, you should set your refrigerator to 40°F (4°C) or below and your freezer to 0°F (-18°C) or below. Cook meats to a minimum internal temperature of 145°F (63°C). Cook ground meats to 160°F (71°C) and poultry to 165°F (73°C).

Before traveling, consider researching any foodborne illnesses that may be common in the area you’re visiting. It may be helpful to avoid tap water, if possible, and to order meat well-done.

3. Insects and animals

When camping or enjoying wooded areas, wear long pants and long sleeves. Use insect repellent and mosquito netting. Don’t touch animals in the wild. Don’t touch sick or dead animals.

After a trek outside in a wooded area, check yourself for ticks. If you find one, remove it using clean, fine-tipped tweezers to grab the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull it straight up.

4. Vaccinations

Stay up to date on vaccinations, especially when traveling. Don’t forget to keep your pet’s vaccinations current, too.

Vaccinations can drastically reduce your risk of becoming ill with some infectious diseases. If you can avoid a particular disease, you can also prevent the spread of the disease. There are different types of vaccinations, such as those to prevent:

  • measles
  • mumps
  • influenza
  • human papillomavirus

Speak with your doctor to discuss the benefits and risks of these and other vaccinations.

Infectious diseases are caused by types of bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi around us. It’s important to understand how these diseases are transmitted. If you understand the transmission process, you can use this knowledge to protect yourself and help prevent the spread of illnesses.

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