Scientific method Quiz With answers

  • 1. What skill is a scientist using when she listens to the sounds that whales makes.

A) making observationsB) drawing conclusionsC) interpreting dataD) making a hypothesis

  • 2. What is the correct order of the steps in the scientific method.

A) Ask a question, analyze results, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, draw conclusions, communicate results.B) Make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the results, ask a question, draw conclusions, communicate results.C) Ask questions, make a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze results, draw conclusions, communicate results.D) Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, draw conclusions, analyze results, communicate results.

  • 3. Which question would be the best high level scientific question?

A) How many giraffes live in Africa?B) Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature at which it boils?C) How long ago did dinosaurs live on the Earth?D) Who made the first microscope?

  • 4. Which of the following is NOT a rule when writing a hypothesis?

A) it should restate the questionB) It is an if/then statementC) It is testableD) It is a prediction.

  • 5. An experiment that tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group and an experimental group is?

A) a dependent variableB) an independent variableC) a theoryD) a controlled experiment

  • 6. Which of the following hypotheses is written correctly?

A) If I heat up a tennis ball it will bounce high.B) If a tennis ball is frozen, it won't bounce as high as one that is not frozen.C) Frozen tennis balls will not bounce as high.D) If I freeze a tennis ball, then it will not bounce as high.

  • 7. The process of obtaining information by using the senses is called a/an

A) observationB) scientific methodC) conclusionD) inquiry

  • 8. A series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions

A) experimentB) scientific methodC) observationD) hypothesis

  • 9. In an experiment, the one variable that is changed is called the

A) controlled variableB) dependent variableC) independent variableD) experimental variable

  • 10. In an experiment, the factor that we measure is called the

A) dependent variableB) independent variableC) conclusionD) controlled variable

  • 11. A scientist hypothesizes the the temperature at which an alligator's egg is incubated will determine whether the alligator will be male or female. The independent variable is

A) the temperatureB) the male alligatorsC) the incubatorD) the gender of the alligator

  • 12. A scientist hypothesizes the the temperature at which an alligator's egg is incubated will determine whether the alligator will be male or female. The dependent variable is

A) the temperatureB) the incubatorC) the size of the baby alligatorsD) the gender of the baby alligators

  • 13. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the independent variable is

A) the temperature of the waterB) the amount of salt in the waterC) the waterD) the number of plants in the water

  • 14. A scientist conducted an experiment to determine how the amount of salt in a body of water affects the number of plants that can live in the water. In this experiment the dependent variable is

A) the number of plants in the waterB) the amount of salt in the waterC) the temperature of the waterD) the water

  • 15. All the things in an experiment that must be the same to make it fair are called

A) dependent variablesB) independent variablesC) controlled experimentsD) controlled variables or constants

  • 16. In science, an educated guess is called a/an

A) conclusionB) questionC) observationD) hypothesis

  • 17. When you decide whether or not the data supports the original hypothesis, you are

A) drawing conclusionsB) asking questionsC) making observationsD) forming a hypothesis

  • 18. When a scientist shares her findings with other scientists, she is

A) making a hypothesisB) communicating resultsC) analyzing dataD) experimenting

  • 19. If you were measuring the mass of a fly, you should use

A) gramsB) litersC) kilogramsD) meters

  • 20. If you wanted to know volume of water in a bottle of soda, you would use

A) millilitersB) litersC) gramsD) kiloliters

  • 21. If you wanted to measure the distance from here to Salt Lake City, you would use

A) metersB) centimetersC) millimetersD) kilometers

  • 22. Which unit of measure is NOT used in the International System of Units

A) gramsB) centimetersC) millilitersD) inches

  • 23. In which step of the scientific method do we want to use graphs

A) analyze dataB) make a hypothesisC) asking questionsD) communicate results

  • 24. The final part; a summary of reasonable inferences is a/an

A) controlled experimentB) hypothesisC) questionD) conclusion

  • 25. Which of the following is important when creating a graph in science.

A) all of theseB) neatnessC) labelsD) titles

  • 26. A scientist who wants to study the affects of fertilizer on plants sets up an experiment. Plant A gets no fertilizer, Plant B gets 5 mg. of fertilizer each day, and Plant C gets 10mg. of fertilizer each day. Which plant is the control group.

A) Plant AB) Plant CC) All of themD) Plant B

  • 27. A scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact is a/an

A) hypothesisB) lawC) experimentD) theory

  • 28. A conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning is a/an

A) conclusionB) theoryC) hypothesisD) inference

  • 29. A series of steps followed to solve problems is

A) standard proceduresB) experimental guidelinesC) the scientific methodD) investigations

  • 30. The best graph to use if I want to compare the price of six different cars would be a

A) line graphB) pie graphC) data tableD) bar graph

  • 31. Why is it important to conduct scientific tests more than one time?

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  • Ten bean seedlings in one setup were grown in the dark, while ten seedlings in another setup were grown in sunlight.  All other growth conditions were kept the same in both setups.  The seedlings grown in the dark were white with long, slender stems.  These seedlings soon died.  The seedlings grown in the sunlight were green and healthy.Which hypothesis was most likely being tested in this investigation?

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