Rylans basketball team has 11 players how many ways can his coach choose five starting players

(Rylan's basketball team has players. How many ways can his coach choose five starting players?

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Ohio State University

Amy B.


4 months, 3 weeks ago

We don’t have your requested question, but here is a suggested video that might help.

How many ways can a basketball team of 7 players be chosen from 12 players? Select one: 84 b. None of these 792 d. 3991680

2d²+15+7 Pa solve po ako neto guys with foil method nadin po sana​

FIND THE PRODUCT OF THE FOLLOWING POLYNOMIALS 1.–3(4x2–5) 2.y(4y2+1) 3.3(–4x2–q)

1. 5+8=13 2. 2 (3+5) = (2x 3) + (2 x 5) 3. -2+0=-2 10+(8+5)= (10 + 8) +5 4. 5. 13 x1=13 5. 10+(-10) = 0 7. (3)(8) = 24 B. 12+35= 35 + 12 3. 8 (4+6)=(8 … x 4) + (8 x 6) 10. (9+7)+10=9+ (7 + 10) Closure Property Commutative Property Associative Property Distributive Property Identity Property Inverse Property​

patulong po dito pleasess ​

Sum and difference of a cube minus b cube

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A First Course in Probability


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C(n,r) = (n!)/(r!(n-r)!) C(11,5) = (11!)/(5!*(11-5)!) C(11,5) = (11!)/(5!*6!) C(11,5) = (11*10*9*8*7*6!)/(5!*6!) C(11,5) = (11*10*9*8*7)/(5!) C(11,5) = (11*10*9*8*7)/(5*4*3*2*1) C(11,5) = (55440)/(120) C(11,5) = 462

So there are 462 ways.

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