Most popular last names in australia

If you're here, it's because you've decided to look up the 300 most common surnames in Australia. Surely you've heard of some Australian surnames, but you may be surprised to see surnames in this list that you didn't know were so common in a country like Australia. In this list we have totally updated statistical information about the most common surnames among Australians, so if you are looking for information about whether your surname would stand out in Australia, we warn you that if it is not in this list, yes, your surname would be something uncommon in Australian lands . However, if your surname appears among these 300 surnames, we are afraid that you will have to stand out for other qualities, as you will be quite common as far as surnames for Australians are concerned

The most common Australian surnames

Did you know all these surnames from Australia?

If you look, next to each surname in this list you will find a number. That number is the number of people who carry that surname in Australia. Of course it is the official number given according to the latest statistics made in Australia, and they take into account not Australians, but people who currently live in the country. So it is possible that you may find in Australia a surname that you know perfectly well is not a Australian surname, that may help you get an idea of how many people from the same country from which that surname originates have emigrated to Australia and have settled there.

Having information about surnames helps us to have information about our history, but also about the history of the different countries. Knowing which surnames are most abundant in Australia at the moment helps us to take a snapshot of the country's current reality. In this way, and crossing these data we have about the current Australian surnames with the most abundant Australian surnames one hundred or two hundred years ago, we could get an idea of how Australian society has changed and the level of impact that migration may have had in a country like Australia.

Similarly, it is interesting to try to discover what the current data are on the most used surnames in the countries neighbouring Australia, and whether they have any surnames in common or if, on the contrary, the coincidences are minimal or non-existent. In this way we can guess what kind of relations Australia has with its neighboring countries, and whether there has been mobility between the countries or not. As you can see, a few simple statistics on surnames in Australia can provide much more information than may appear at first glance.

Have you been surprised by any of these Australian Last names?

What do you think? Have you already seen in this list of 300 surnames from Australia any that have caught your attention? Have you missed any surname that you thought was very common in Australia, and yet it has turned out not to be on the list? If you keep searching in other countries you will surely find that surname that you thought was Australian and that turns out to be more common in another country than Australia. Sometimes the data surprises us, but that is what encourages us to want to know more about surnames and the reasons why the 300 most common Australian surnames are the ones presented in this list, and not others. We encourage you to continue your research.

Smith, Jones, Williams... Are you one of the millions who have one of these top common last names from Australia? You'll notice that many of the most popular surnames in the Land Down Under have British roots. That's not surprising since so many of the country's original colonists were transported convicts from the United Kingdom, the majority hailing from England, Wales, and Scotland. A 2018 report released by Australia's White Pages directory lists the following 20 surnames as the most commonly occurring last names in Australia.

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Smith is an occupational surname for a man who works with metal (smith or blacksmith), one of the earliest jobs for which specialist skills were required. It is a craft that was practiced in all countries, making the surname and its derivations the most common of all surnames around the world.

Ronnie Kaufman / Larry Hirshowitz/Getty Images

Jones is a patronymic name (a name passed down from the paternal line) with origins in England and Wales. It's meaning is "Jehovah has favored," and not surprisingly, it was a popular surname among European Christians.

Looking Glass/Getty Images

Williams is a patronymic surname, meaning "son of William." While Welsh is the most commonly accepted, the name has several derivations. The name "William," is a combination of Old French and Germanic elements: wil, meaning "desire" and helm, meaning "helmet or protection."

Getty / Deux

The roots of the surname Brown can be traced from Middle English to Old English and finally back to the French word for brown: brun. The name literally means someone who is "brown-haired" or "brown-skinned."

Getty / Uwe Krejci

Wilson, a from the nickname Will for William, is an English or Scottish surname meaning "son of Will."

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Taylor is an English occupational name for a tailor, from Old French tailleur for "tailor" which comes from the Latin taliare, meaning "to cut." The biblical translation of the name is "clothed with salvation" and means eternal beauty.

Monashee Alonso / Getty Images

Johnson is an English patronymic surname meaning "son of John." The name John (meaning "gift of God") is derived from the Latin Johannes, which in turn, is derived from the Hebrew Yohanan, meaning "Jehovah has favored."

Getty / Mark Gerum

Lee is a surname with many possible meanings and origins:

  • It can be a derivation of the surname Lea, meaning a person who lived in or near a laye, from the Middle English meaning "clearing in the woods."
  • It is also possibly a modern form of the ancient Irish name "O'Liathain."
  • In Chinese, Lee translates to "plum tree," and was the royal surname during the Tang Dynasty.
  • Lee can also be a place name taken from numerous towns and villages called Lee or Leigh.

Getty / Cristian Baitg

Martin is a patronymic surname is taken from the ancient Latin given name Martinus, derived from Mars, the Roman god of fertility and war. It has roots in England, France, Scotland, Ireland, and Germany.

Getty / LWA

The surname White has English, Scottish, Irish origins, and can have several meanings:

  • White can be a descriptive name or nickname for a person with very light hair or complexion, from the Middle English whit, meaning "white."
  • White may be a regional name derived from the Isle of Wight on the coast of Hampshire, England.
  • White can also be a derivation of Wight, from the Anglo-Saxon wiht, meaning "valiant."

Getty / Matt Carr

Anderson is generally a patronymic surname meaning "son of Andrew." The name has roots in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and England.

Getty / James Woodson

Thompson is a patronymic surname of English or Scottish origin. It means son of Thom, Thomp, Thompkin, or other diminutive forms of the name Thomas (from the Aramaic for "twin"). The preferred Scottish usage of the name is Thomson, in which the "p" is dropped.

Getty / Annmarie Young Photography

The name Thomas is of English and Welsh origin. It is a patronymic surname derived from a popular medieval first name, Thomass, and like the surname Thompson, comes from the Aramaic term for "twin."

Getty / Karina Mansfield

Walker is an occupational surname with roots in England and Scotland. It's derived from the Middle English walkcere, "a fuller of cloth" (someone who walked on damp raw cloth in order to thicken it) and the Old English wealcan, meaning "to walk or tread."

Getty / Jacques LOIC

Nguyen is the most common surname in Vietnam, but is actually of Chinese origin and means "a musical instrument that is plucked."

Getty / Adriana Varela Photography

Ryan is an Irish Gaelic surname with several possible meanings, none of which are definitive. The most popular is "little king," from the old Gaelic word righ, meaning king. Another school of thought is that the name is related to the Old Irish word rían, meaning "water" or "ocean." Irish genealogists cite the name as an anglicized form of the old Gaelic O'Maoilriaghain/O'Maoilriain, meaning "descendant of a devotee of St. Riaghan." Another interpretation is Ó Riain, meaning "descendant of Rian."

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The most likely origin of the surname Robinson is "son of Robin," although it may also derive from the Polish word rabin, meaning rabbi. It is cited as having both English and Jewish origins.

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Kelly is an Irish surname of Gaelic origin. Its most commonly accepted meaning is "descendant of war," and comes from the ancient Irish name "O'Ceallaigh." The prefix "O" indicates "a male descendant of," making the surname patronymic. Another meaning for the name is "bright-headed."

Getty / Joelle Icard

The surname King is derived from the Old English cyning, originally meaning "tribal leader." It was a nickname commonly bestowed on a man who carried himself like royalty, or who played the part of the king in a medieval pageant.

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Campbell is a Scottish and Irish surname that means "crooked or wry mouth." It is name is derived from the Scots Gaelic Caimbeul for cam meaning "crooked or distorted" and beul for "mouth."