Is someone who uses the internet or network to destroy or damage computers for political reasons.

is someone who uses the internet to destroy or damage computers for politicalreasons21- Another name for a time bomb is a(logic)bomb22- A(rootkit)is a program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location totake full control of the computer23- A(uninterruptible power supply)is a battery-powers piece of equipment that provides backuppower to a computer for a limited time24- A(cyberextortionist)is someone who uses e-mail as a vehicle for extortion25- Breaking into other computer system is called(Electronic trespassing)26-(Corporate spies)are hired to break into a specific computer and steal its proprietary data27- Crimes that use the internet are called(cybercrimes)28- Code hidden within a program that damages or destroys files is called a computer(virus)29-(Denial of service (dos))attacks bombard servers and web sites with traffic that shuts downnetworks30-(Employee monitoring)allows an employer to observe employee phone calls, e-mails, and Webbrowsing31-(encryption)is the process of converting readable data into unreadable characters to preventunauthorized access32- Firewalls are used to(restrict outsiders from accessing internal data)33-(Information theft)occurs when someone steals personal or confidential information34- In which type of attack does the attacker poses as a legitimate company in an e-mail or website(phishing)35- Malicious software is known as(malware)36- Many web sites require a user to enter a(username), which is a unique combination of characters,such as letters of alphabet or numbers that identifies one specific user37- of the currently employed access control methods,(biometric authentication)is the most secure,because it involves identification of the user’s body, such as his or her eyes or fingerprints

40. Which of the following is a disadvantage of an all-in-one printer?

a. it requires more space than having a separate printer, scanner, copy machine, and fax machine

b. it is significantly more expensive than purchasing a printer, scanner, copy machine, and fax machine separately

c. if the device breaks down, users lose all four functions

d. all of the above

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