How to write a complaint email to a ceo

When you are trying to resolve a complaint against a company, the first step should always be to discuss your concerns with a representative of the business. Try to speak with the manager or owner, and follow up by sending a certified letter confirming all the details of your conversation.  Request a return postal receipt so that you will have proof of the letter’s delivery; and keep records of all communications between yourself and the business, including phone calls, letters, faxes or e-mails.

Below you will find an example of a letter you can use to send to the business. If you are following up on a previous conversation, be sure to restate any assurances that were made to you at that time.

[Your address]
[Your city, state, zip code]

[Today’s date]

[Name of contact person (if available)] [Title (if available)] [Company name] [Consumer Complaint Division (if there is no contact person)] [Street address]

[City, state, zip code]

Re: [Account number or other reference to your complaint]

Dear [Contact Person]:

This letter is to [notify you {or} follow up on our conversation of {date}] about a problem I am having with the [name of product or service performed] that I [bought, leased, rented or had repaired] at your [name of location] location on [date].

I am dissatisfied with your [service or product] because [describe problem].  I have already attempted to resolve this problem by [describe attempts and actions taken].  I have enclosed copies of my records.  [Include copies of receipts, canceled checks, contracts, and other relevant documents]

Unfortunately, the problem remains unresolved. I am hereby requesting that you: [List specific actions you want (such as: refund, exchange or repair the item)]

Please contact me within [number of days] days to confirm that you will honor my request. I have prepared a complaint for submission to the proper agencies for investigation. I will not file the complaint if you resolve the problem within this time period I have indicated.

Thank you for your anticipated assistance in resolving my problem.  Please contact me at [telephone number and/or e-mail address] if you have any questions.


[Your signature]

[Your name]

Enclosure(s): [List attached document copies]

cc: [Name(s) of anyone to whom you are sending a copy of this letter]

Here’s a shining example of how Wise Bread writers not only read each others stories, we also follow the advice. And in my case, it worked like a charm. I’m two for two, and I plan to keep on going whenever I have a problem. What I’m talking about, ladies and gents, is the good old-fashioned complaint letter.

Several months ago, Margaret Garcia-Couoh published a great article about writing a physical letter to contact a company. Before that (long before, one of the first article I ever published) I wrote an article outlining how to complain. And after experiencing two really cruddy examples of customer service, I decided to combine the two.

First, Firestone. Here’s a very, very abbreviated version of my experience.

I had a complete oil change/tire rotation coupon for Firestone for $14.99, so I made an online booking. First, my GPS couldn’t find the store because the address on the website was wrong. I missed my Monday appointment but called and said I’d be in tomorrow, booking the same time slot. When I brought the car in on Tuesday morning at 8am, there was no record of my appointment. So, I came back bright and early the next day, only to be told the store didn’t have a filter for my car (seriously). I offered to go pick one up myself, and was directed to a local Wal-Mart…who don’t stock VW Passat filters. So, I had to come back again the next morning, where my oil change was finally done…but the coupon wasn’t accepted. I had to pay $34. Oh, and I needed new tires too, which were going to cost me $800 if I bought them at that location.

I could go on, but you get the picture. Four days and a whole lot of wasted time and money for a simple oil change, and not even the discount that was promised at the end of it. I was annoyed. No, I was fuming. So, I did what I usually do in this situation and sat down to write an email. Then, I stopped. I recalled Margaret’s article and decided instead to write the letter in my word processor. I signed it, put it in an envelope and personally addressed it to the CEO of Firestone, Mr. Mark A. Emkes.

A few days passed, and nothing happened. After a week, I had forgotten about it. That was until I got three phone calls from three different Firestone employees; one assistant to the store manager, one store manager and one district manager. The CEO had clearly lit a fire under someone, because all three were extremely eager to rectify the situation. I had the cost of the oil change refunded, and the store also agreed to mount and balance any new tires that I bought for free (which I got from TireRack, great savings there). Result. One very happy camper here. Maybe this mailed letter idea was legit?

Well, a few weeks later I got the chance to test it again. My wife took a trip to California and rented a car. She called me after she had driven only a few feet from Deluxe Rentacar and said the car didn’t feel like it was running correctly. She then asked what the tire pressure was supposed to be. I didn’t know the exact specs for a PT Cruiser off the top of my head, but I said 32psi was a rough estimate. The tires were at 10psi! How they let her drive off in this amazed me, but she filled them at a nearby garage and drove off. When she brought the car back, she had left a brand new pair of children’s shoes, complete with box and receipt, in the back seat. They cost $45 and she was naturally upset, but her friend said they could go back to the rental place and pick them up without missing their flight. So she called Deluxe Rentacar, said she was on her way back and could they have the shoes ready and waiting. This is when an exceptionally rude woman said, and I quote “there are no shoes in that car. And anything that’s left in the cars is fair game.” Fair game? What? So, my wife called me and I, in turn, called again on her behalf. I got the same, rude “fair game” message, which seems to me like another way of saying finders keepers. I was not happy.

How to write a complaint email to a ceo

Once again, the complaint letter I mailed did the trick. I wrote to the CEO/owner/president of Deluxe Rentacar, a very nice man called Mr. John P Hennessay, who called me shortly after receiving the letter. He was very apologetic and also wanted to know the names of the people involved, so that he could rectify their behavior. He assured me it would never happen again, and also refunded the cost of the shoes to the credit card my wife used. If she does go back to L.A. soon, I know she’ll be happy to use Deluxe Rentacar again.

If you’ve had a bad experience yourself, I think it’s well worth the time and effort to mail your letter (be it printed out or handwritten) to someone high on the food chain. And if you’re not sure where to get that information, my favorite source on the internet is the Better Business Bureau . Type in the name of the business, the address and it will spit out a bunch of information for you. You’ll get names of the principles, the corporate mailing address and all sorts of other good information (you’ll also get an idea of the company’s track record at resolving complaints).

Also, no-one wants to receive a whining, bitching rant, so make your letter polite. But, make sure you point out everything that happened that caused you distress. It’s also good to add in some praise of the things the company has done right, if not now then in the past when you’ve used them before. Remember, CEOs and business owners are people too, they deserve to be treated with respect, especially if you’re looking for a favorable result.

Follow this advice, the advice in my previous article and the wise words of Margaret and I’m sure you will get the same great results that I did. Corporations want your custom, your repeat business and your patronage, and it’s a lot easier to keep a customer than to try and get a new one. It’s in their interests to keep you happy, you just have to make them want to keep you around. If they already think you’re a lost cause, your letter will almost certainly go in the that special in-box known as the garbage can. Best of luck.

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How to write a complaint email to a ceo

  1. 1

    Address your letter to the customer service department. When writing a letter of complaint, your best chance of success will come from directing the letter to the customer service department of the company. The customer service department is accustomed to dealing with complaints and your letter is likely to be processed efficiently and effectively.[1]

    • Try to find out the name of the customer service manager or director and address your letter to them personally. Begin your letter with Dear Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms followed by their surname. If you cannot find the name of the customer service manager, simply write Dear Sir or Madam.[2]
    • You should be able to find the address of the customer service department on the company's website, on any of the company's promotional or advertising materials or product packaging or labels.[1]

  2. 2

    Quickly get to the point of your letter. The very first line of your letter should clearly address why you are writing the letter and what your exact complaint is. Give as many pertinent facts as possible, including the date, time and location where you made the purchase or received the service, along with any relevant serial or model numbers.[3]

    • The recipient of the letter should be able to identify the point of the letter in under five seconds, so avoid any long, rambling intros.[4]
    • You may provide further detail or explanation of the situation in the paragraph following your opening sentence, but the first line should draw attention to your complaint as succinctly as possible.[5]
    • For example, your opening sentence might read: "I am writing to complain about a faulty hair dryer that I purchased from your company on the 15th of July at your location on First Street, Exampletown."


  3. 3

    State specifically what outcome or remedy will satisfy you. If you want a replacement, a refund, a repair, or some other form of compensation, state this clearly in your second paragraph. This will help to avoid receiving a form letter or other stock response, and give the recipient something to work with on their end.[6]

    • Try to be as constructive as possible in your comments, suggesting a way that you can move forward and continue your relationship with the company.[7] If you demand a refund or some other form of compensation, while simultaneously informing them that you plan on taking your business elsewhere, they will have little incentive to try to resolve the problem[1]
    • If you would like the company to correct a broader problem, state that in your letter as well, but recognize that such a thing may take time.
    • Do not threaten legal action in your first communication. It may be the solution you ultimately require, but send your complaint letter first and await a response.

  4. 4

    Attach copies of supporting documents. These may include receipts, guarantees, warranties, copies of checks you sent and, if appropriate, photos or videos. All documentation should be included with your letter.

    • Make sure that you send copies of any documentation you wish to include, not the originals. That way, there's no chance of this key information being lost or mislaid, should you need to provide evidence to someone else.
    • Also make sure to state in the body of the letter the exact materials you are including. For example: "Please find attached a copy of my original receipt, along with a copy of the hair dryer's guarantee and information regarding the serial number."[8]

  5. 5

    Give them a time limit to resolve the matter. It is helpful to provide an exact time period within which you would like the issue to be resolved. This will give you peace of mind and will help bring the issue to a speedy conclusion.

    • Providing a time limit will also help to prevent the possibility of your letter becoming lost or forgotten about, which may lead to further awkwardness and resentment between you and the company.[9]
    • Just make sure that the time period you provide is reasonable. A week or two is usually sufficient, though this will vary depending on what your requests are.

  6. 6

    Finish the letter respectfully. Thank the recipient for their assistance, and let them know how and when they can reach you to resolve the matter. This will make their job a lot easier, resulting in a more efficient outcome for you.

    • Sign off the letter with Yours sincerely, if you know the name of the person you are writing to, or Yours faithfully if you referred to them as "Sir" or "Madam". Avoid informal closings such as "Best," or "Yours truly."[2]

  7. Advertisement

  1. 1

    Be polite. You may be angry, and may have every right to be, but being rude will only put the recipient on the defensive. Write in a respectful tone and avoid making threatening, angry or sarcastic comments at all costs.[10] Remember that the person reading your letter was not directly responsible for whatever happened, and they will be much more responsive and willing to please a gracious, polite customer than an angry, accusatory one.[11]

    • Remember, the company to which you are writing probably isn't out to get you, intentionally. Most companies have an interest in their customer's satisfaction.
    • You will have much better success treating the recipient as somebody who wants to help you, rather than assuming they're filled with malicious intent.
    • Don't write when you're furious. Wait to write your letter until you have calmed down. Or if you wish, write the letter while you are fully steamed, and then let it sit for a day or two before you send it. In all likelihood, you will want to rephrase things in a less-incendiary way.

  2. 2

    Be concise. Customer service representatives may receive as many as hundreds of letters a day, so it's vital that you get to the point quickly, so they know exactly what they're dealing with as soon as they begin reading. If your letter is too long or detailed, the reader will be inclined to skim its contents and end up with an unclear idea of the exact problem or your desired resolution.[1]

    • Avoid superfluous detail or going off on long rants or tangents.
    • Try to keep your letter on a single page, or under about 200 words.[12]

  3. 3

    Be authoritative. Being authoritative in your letter creates the right tone and lets the company know that your complaint is to be taken seriously. This is especially true of more serious complaints, which may have considerable financial implications.[1]

    • Being authoritative encompasses a range of things, such as the quality of the language used, your knowledge of your rights and the company's responsibilities, as well as the professional presentation of the letter.[1]
    • All of these things give you credibility, which should positively effect the response to your letter.

  4. 4

    Format your letter in a clean, correct way. As mentioned above, formatting your letter in a professional way can favorably influence how your complaint is received. Include your name, address and the date in the top right-hand corner, followed by the name or title of the person you are writing to, along with the company's address, on the left-hand side, just above the body of the letter.

    • Always type up your letter on a computer, this makes it easier to read and is much cleaner looking. If you must hand write your letter, make sure your writing is clear and legible, with no crossed out words or ink smudges.
    • To write your signature, leave a blank space under the Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely where you can write in your signature by hand. Underneath this space you should also type your name so it is easily read.[13]
    • Keep the letter tidy and well-spaced, with paragraphs of approximately equal-size.

  5. 5

    Check spelling and grammar. Incorrect spelling and grammar can negatively influence how your complaint is received. Make sure to do a spell check on your computer before printing the letter, or have someone else read it over before you send it.[14]

  6. Advertisement

  1. 1

    Wait until the time limit you provided is up. Be patient and do not pursue any further action until the time limit you provided in your initial letter is up. If this date passes and you still haven't heard anything, you may follow up with a phone call or email to check if the letter was received. It is always best to give the company the benefit of the doubt.

    • If you still do not receive any information regarding your letter or if you do but the situation was not handled to your satisfaction, you can proceed by addressing your complaint to someone higher on the chain of command.[15]

  2. 2

    Proceed along the chain of command. If you are unsuccessful in your dealings with the customer service director, try to find out who the next person in the chain of command is and reach out to them instead. Each time you move up the ladder, whether it's from Customer Rep to Supervisor to Director to Vice President to CEO, attach the correspondence you have had at the previous level. This will update your new company representative and very possibly get the matter resolved in a non-litigious way.

    • It is better to start with the customer service department before working your way up instead of going to straight to the top. This is because the customer service department are more used to dealing with these types of complaints and any letters addressed to the CEO will probably be referred back to this department anyway.[1]
    • If this is the case, the employees of the customer service department might automatically regard you unfavorably, as you tried to go over their heads.[1]
    • Be aware that if you are writing a letter to a CEO or Managing Director, it will need to be extra clear, concise and well-written, as they will have no prior knowledge of the incident.

  3. 3

    If you wish to pursue legal action, see an attorney. He or she will know how to proceed. Keep in mind that legal action should be your last resort and leading with it in your letter sets a negative tone and will derail any requests for compensation you may ask for at the same time. It also may come back to bite you if your bluff is called.

  4. Advertisement

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  • Question

    How do I write a complaint letter?

    How to write a complaint email to a ceo

    Stick to the facts. Tell them what happened, and back up your opinions with facts. Be assertive, but not angry.

  • Question

    Should I take the letter in personally or mail it if they're local?

    How to write a complaint email to a ceo

    Taking the letter in is better because it shows how much you care about the issue.

  • Question

    How can I write a letter about how my manager is always shouting?

    How to write a complaint email to a ceo

    You will want to contact your human resources division if your company has one. If not, I would suggest contacting either the direct supervisor of your manager, including the owner if that is the case. Don't threaten legal action, but make it clear that you feel you are being harassed and it needs to stop.

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