How to take care of dogs teeth

Just like people, dogs need regular dental care, but unfortunately, dental hygiene for dogs is sometimes overlooked. Many people seem to just expect dogs to have bad breath, and few people brush their dogs’ teeth frequently enough.

Plaque builds up on the teeth and turns into hard tartar, also called calculus. Plaque and tartar harbor bacteria that eat away at the teeth and gums. Halitosis, periodontal disease, oral pain, and tooth loss can occur. However, the bacteria not only cause disease in the mouth; they can also affect other parts of the body, like the heart and kidneys.

Dental hygiene is just as important to your dog’s overall health as things like nutrition, proper exercise, and routine grooming. There are several things you can do to help keep your dog’s teeth in good shape. Start a dental care routine as early as possible in your dog’s life and stick with it.

Catching teeth problems early will help avoid severe dental disease. The simplest way to keep track of your dog’s teeth is to look at them on a regular basis and be aware of signs that may indicate a problem. Routine veterinary examinations are also important.

To inspect your dog’s teeth, lift the lips all around the mouth, looking at the front and back teeth as closely as possible. Be gentle and use caution, so you do not startle your dog (and possibly even get bitten, particularly if your dog might be in pain).

Watch for the following signs of teeth problems in your dog:

  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Reluctance to chew or crying out when chewing
  • Increased salivation
  • Red, puffy, or bleeding gums
  • Tartar (calculus), a brown or yellow coating on teeth caused by plaque
  • Missing and/or loose teeth

  • Special toothbrush for dogs
  • Dental dog chews
  • Dental additives for dog's water

Tooth brushing is the best preventive measure related to oral hygiene, and should be done daily to be most effective. Start when your dog is a puppy, and can get used to the feeling of having its teeth brushed. Puppies have 28 deciduous teeth that typically are all in when they are about eight weeks of age, and are then typically replaced by 42 adult (permanent) teeth by about six months of age. By this time, your dog should be on a regular tooth brushing routine.

Specially designed toothbrushes are available, which are well-suited for dogs' teeth and easier to use than those designed for people. Some are shaped like small finger caps, which you can slip over your index finger and rub the dog's teeth with the textured surface. However, any small, soft-bristled toothbrush can work well. Use a toothpaste designed for dogs to maximize the effectiveness of tooth brushing.

If you are unable or unwilling to brush your dog's teeth every day or two, look for another option, such as special dental chews or a food/water additive. Not all products are equally effective (and none work as well as tooth brushing), so ask your vet for recommendations.

Dental chews should be easily digestible and size-appropriate. Typically, dental chews need to be given on a daily basis in order to be effective and should be large enough that your dog has to chew on them for a while before swallowing.

Food additives are used on a daily basis as well. If you use water additives, be sure to change the water daily, or per the manufacturer's instructions.

Your veterinarian will take a look at your dog’s teeth during routine examinations, so make sure you keep up with these. Vet visits should occur every six to twelve months for wellness check-ups. Contact your vet if any mouth problems arise between visits. Even with good home oral hygiene, dogs can benefit from having their teeth professionally cleaned.

As your dog gets older, more frequent veterinary dental cleanings may be required. With increasing age, dogs also become more susceptible to periodontal disease, which can become serious.

If you're not brushing your dog's teeth regularly, and instead relying on chews and additives, be sure to have your veterinarian check closely for any signs of dental disease. Although they are somewhat helpful, dental chews and rinses are usually only partially effective.

From time to time, your veterinarian may recommend a professional dental cleaning, which would require general anesthesia. During the procedure, your dog’s teeth and gums will be examined closely for problems. The teeth will then be scaled and polished to slow the redevelopment of tartar.

While some dog groomers may offer a tooth cleaning service, don't expect to get a deep cleaning. They can brush the dog's teeth just like you could at home, but for a thorough, complete cleaning, the teeth need to be cleaned under the gumline. This isn't something that should be done while the dog is awake.

If your dog does have periodontal disease or other dental problems, the vet may need to extract the affected teeth or refer you to an oral surgeon.

Some dogs need dental cleanings one or more times per year, while others can go for a longer period. Be sure to follow your vet’s recommendations.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

When my husband and I adopted Rolf the Greyhound 10 years ago, we loved his joyful spirit and sweet temperament, but he had a problem. The then 9-year-old came with giant bag of breath fresheners, dog dental chews and a dog toothbrush toy—and for good reason. His breath stunk to high heaven.

We discovered that poor Rolf suffered from severe periodontal disease brought on by neglected dog dental care. And, after some research, we learned that his breed type only exacerbated the problem.

“Some of the sighthounds with those sleek, narrow skulls have less bone to support the teeth,” explains veterinary dentist Bert Gaddis, DVM, DAVDC, owner of Indian Springs Dental Clinic in Pelham, Alabama. “And generally, the smaller the dog, the more likely dental disease will be a problem because they have less bone that supports the teeth, too.”

A week after he came home, Rolf visited our local veterinarian, who gave the big lug a full dental exam, along with a cleaning, polishing and, unfortunately, quite a few extractions of rotten teeth. After our sweet Grey bounded out of the recovery room, however, I could tell he was a much, much happier dog. He has since crossed the Rainbow Bridge, but while he was with us, I learned the importance of dog oral care and how it is critical to maintaining a dog’s health and wellness.

To keep your dog’s teeth sparkling and disease free, experts recommend a daily cleaning regime with a dog toothbrush and annual professional dental exams. Read on to find out more about how you can improve your dog’s dental health.

Why Dog Dental Care Is Important?

Do dogs need dental care? Absolutely, says Kimi H. Kan-Rohrer, RDHAP, BSDH, a clinical specialist-dental hygienist at the William R. Pritchard Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, University of California, Davis. Just like in humans, dog oral care is an important part of overall wellness, she says.

“Because pets are living longer, dog dental care has become more important to address as it can be connected to other health issues,” says Kan-Rohrere, adding that severe dental problems can possibly lead to death.

Health studies in humans, in fact, show a strong connection between oral health and conditions like diabetes and disease due to bacteria in the bloodstream, Kan-Rohrer says.

“So, it is reasonable to assume that this is a similar process in both dogs and cats,” she says.

Aside from the possible connection between oral health and other diseases, Kan-Rohrer notes that “severe dental disease can be very painful, even though dogs and cats hide pain well, and can lead to a change in eating habits and behavior.”

Proper Dog Dental Care

A healthy canine mouth, says Dr. Gaddis, should have pale pink gums that have a knife-like edge where they meet the tooth surface. An unhealthy mouth, he says, has a distinct look—and odor.

“Gingivitis, or red and inflamed gums caused by plaque and tartar buildup, is the first stage of dental disease,” he says. “Signs include odor and bleeding gums. As gums get inflamed and develop periodontal disease, they become swollen, inflamed and eventually recede because of bone loss.”

To prevent that gingivitis and periodontal disease from developing, the best dog dental care involves regular at-home scrubbing with a dog toothbrush and toothpaste, like Nylabone’s Advanced Oral Care Natural Dog Dental Kit, and professional cleanings.

At-Home Dental Care

When you clean your pal’s teeth at home, you use the mechanical action of applying a dog toothbrush’s bristles to his teeth to remove food, bacteria and plaque before it hardens, calcifies and turns into tough-to-remove tartar, Dr. Gaddis says.

“You should brush your dog’s teeth daily or every other day because plaque is easily brushed away and takes about 48-72 hours to harden and calcify,” he says. “Once it’s calcified, it needs to be scraped off by a professional.”

Dog toothpaste, like Sentry Petrodex Veterinary Strength Enzymatic Poultry Flavor Dog Toothpaste, adds to that mechanical brushing by introducing bacteria-busting enzymes and a delicious-to-dogs taste to the mix, Dr. Gaddis says.

“Pet toothpastes have enzymatic action so even just getting in the mouth can help, but brushing is the key,” he says, adding to never use toothpaste for humans on dogs. “Human toothpastes have detergents and fluoride that shouldn’t be swallowed.”

To brush your dog’s teeth, start by using your finger or a finger brush, and then, once they are used to having their mouth handled, move onto a dog toothbrush and toothpaste. Be sure to give lots of treats as a reward for good behavior. Get step-by-step instructions on how to brush your dog’s teeth.

Professional Dental Cleanings

Dog dental health also includes veterinary dental cleanings—and they are something completely different, says Kan-Rohrer. In fact, they’re not terribly unlike the dental cleanings you get from your dentist.

In the examination room, a veterinarian will perform an oral exam. Based on their findings, they’ll recommend a periodontal treatment as needed, Kan-Rohrer says. One major difference between your dog’s dental cleanings and your own is that your dog is put under general anesthesia.

“While the pet is under general anesthesia, a dental appointment includes a full set of intraoral radiographs, full mouth dental charting and a periodontal treatment that utilizes both supra- and subgingival (above and below the gumline) scaling,” Kan-Rohrer says, adding that more complicated cases, like difficult extractions and root canal treatments, are often referred to a veterinary dental specialist.

These professional cleanings should be done annually, she says.

“Depending on the breed or severity of disease, less or more than one year can be suggested,” Kan-Rohrer says. “This also depends on whether or not consistent homecare is performed.”

Dog Oral Care Products

Speaking of consistent homecare, you can find a range of products designed especially for keeping dogs’ teeth clean and their mouths fresh. Some of them even clean a dog’s teeth without brushing. Below, we dive into some of the best dog teeth cleaning products out there, and we describe the features and benefits of each one.