How to protect furniture from cat pee

How to protect furniture from cat pee

Cats typically come pre-programmed with the natural ability to litter train themselves. However, that doesn’t mean there won’t be accidents.  And if your pet cat loves to hang around the living room area, it just might pee on your couch.

And yes, we know. That sounds absolutely ghastly.

If your cat has ever peed outside of its litter box, it will soon be very evident to everyone around. Cat pee is noxious and will quickly stink up your whole house. And that’s not the worst thing about it either!

Cats usually urinate in the same spot where they can smell their previous pee. So, if you don’t get rid of the pee smell from the forbidden spot completely, your cat will pee on your couch again. And this can perpetuate a cycle that may lead to you needing a new sofa.

Fortunately, there are some tactics you can use to remove the stench and prevent the behavior from happening again.

Why Cats Pee on Your Couch

Instead of just cleaning up the urine, it’s important to tackle the root of the problem and understand the reason why your cat is not using its litter box.

Normally, if a cat is urinating in places they’re not supposed to, there’s a genuine underlying cause. They aren’t just being mean or sassy. Here are some of the primary offending issues:

  • Medical Problems: The biggest concern you’ll run across is if your cat’s behavior is caused by medical problems. UTIs and other issues can be chief reasons why your cat is eliminating outside of the litter box. Their behavior is just them trying to tell you that something is wrong. If your cat starts having frequent accidents, it’s probably time to get them to the vet to have them examined.
  • Dirty Litter Box: It could just be that your cat’s litter box needs cleaning. Cats like to keep themselves clean. If they notice that their litter box is already full of clumps and looks dirty, they will try to pee somewhere else. Also, while it may not look dirty, the litter itself may need changing. Make sure to clean out your cat’s litter box very regularly to avoid this from happening.
  • Litter Box Too Small: When your cat was still a small kitten, you may have gotten them a smaller litter box perfect for their size. However, as time goes by, your cat will outgrow a kitten-sized litter box. If you notice your cat refuses to go inside its box to pee or poop, it could just be because it doesn’t fit inside anymore.

Image Credit: Pixabay

The 3 Easy Methods to Clean Cat Urine Out of Your Sofa

When it comes to getting cat stains and odor out of your couch, you’re going to need to employ more than soap and water. Thankfully, there are some natural, safe cleaning solutions you can utilize to get the job done.

Even though vinegar can be just as smelly, it works wonders when getting rid of different kinds of foul odors. This is because vinegar kills the bacteria that cause the bad smell in the first place. It also contains acid that can neutralize the alkaline salts from the cat’s urine.

To use:

  1. Create a mixture of one part vinegar and one part water.
  2. Pour your solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray the spot where your cat urinated.
  4. Leave it to dry.
  5. Repeat the process until you cannot smell the cat pee any longer.

Image Credit: NatureFriend, Pixabay

You can also use baking soda to get rid of cat urine smell. This is very easy to find as you might already have it inside your pantry.

To use:

  1. Pour a generous amount of baking soda on the area where your cat peed.
  2. Leave it for at least 30 minutes.
  3. It’s best to do this while your couch is outside, under the sun.
  4. Use a vacuum to remove the baking soda from the couch.
  5. Repeat the process until you get rid of all the urine smell.

Important note when using baking soda: Baking soda can be dangerous to your cat if inhaled. Make sure that your cat is nowhere near the couch during the cleaning process. Ensure there are no remnants of baking soda left on the couch after you are finished.

These are among the most commonly used to eliminate odors and pet stains from mattresses, carpets, linens, and couches. Enzyme-based cleaners are effective in breaking down the acid in the urine which helps get rid of the foul smell.

Several products contain enzyme cleaning solutions made specifically for pet urine. And you’ll definitely be able to find them in any of your local pet shops. Shop Care Super Enzyme Pet Urine & Odor Destroyer is a great example of this.

If you're trying to find an enzyme cleaner that does it all, we highly recommend our favorite cleaner, the Hepper Advanced Bio-Enzyme Pet Stain & Odor Eliminator Spray.

It permanently removes the very worst stains and smells you can imagine and makes clean up a breeze. There's even a 100% satisfaction guarantee! Click here to order a bottle today.

At Pet Keen, we’ve admired Hepper for many years, and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding products of this cool cat company!

  • These products usually come in spray bottles.
  • Follow the instructions that come with the product for the best results.

Cleaning Products to Avoid

Not every household cleaner is ideal to clean up cat pee. In fact, there are a couple of products you should avoid at all costs.


Ammonia is what causes the stinky smell from your cat’s urine. And it’s because of this reason you should avoid cleaning products that have ammonia in them. Your cat might mistake the ammonia cleaning solution for its own pee and think it’s their designated spot to urinate.


Although bleach is a common cleaning product, it might not be the best one to use for this situation. Bleach is a very strong solution that can ruin the color of your couch. Not only that, inhaling the smell of bleach can be dangerous for you and your cat.

What Happens if you Leave Cat Pee on your Couch?

While leaving cat pee on your couch doesn’t sound like a great idea, sometimes the situation may be out of your control. For instance, if you had to leave your cat at home for an extended period, you may arrive home to a sofa full of pee.

But are there any real issues with it staying on your couch other than smell?

Cat urine is filled with nasty bacteria. As the bacteria decomposes, it releases a stench that is very similar to ammonia. When your cat pees on your couch, the bacteria will attach itself onto the fabric. This not only makes it more stinky, but it also makes it harder to clean. Plus, this can lead to future illnesses from festering bacteria.

Once your cat pee dries, it might not leave any stain, making it difficult to know which spot to clean. And when your cat smells its own pee on your couch, it may perceive that location as its pee spot. It will keep peeing on your couch until you get rid of the smell completely.

This is why it’s so important to clean up the cat pee out of the couch as quickly as possible. This, coupled with ensuring that your cat’s intended bathroom area is clean and usable, will hopefully make an accident on the couch a very rare occurrence.

  • Related Read: 5 Best Couch Covers for Cats (Scratch Protection) in 2021

Featured Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

How to protect furniture from cat pee
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Cats scratch to stretch muscles, remove old claw sheaths, and communicate with one another. To a cat, furniture may seem like a natural place to scratch. Instead of declawing your cat, there are a few things you can do to protect the furniture while you also train your cat. Teach your cat not to scratch the furniture by offering scratching posts, rewarding good behavior, and being consistent with training. Your cat will soon prefer its scratching post and rewards over scratching the furniture.

  1. 1

    Use furniture covers. If you're mainly concerned that your furniture will become dirty or hairy from your cat, cover it with slipcovers. You can purchase a slipcover for couches, chairs, or recliners in a variety of colors and fabrics. Choose a fabric that you can easily wipe clean or toss in the washing machine.[1]

    • If you don't want to always keep a cover on the furniture, you can lay down a towel where your cat usually likes to rest. Just remove the towel and wash it every day or two.

  2. 2

    Spray a scent deterrent on the furniture. Buy a repellent spray that your cat doesn't like and spray it on the furniture that your cat usually scratches. You can purchase deterrent sprays at most pet stores. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to spray your furniture.[2]

    • You may need to reapply the scent deterrent once it begins to wear off.


  3. 3

    Lay double-sided tape on the furniture. Spread double-sided tape on places where your cat prefers to scratch. Your cat won't like the sticky feeling so should eventually stop scratching there. Most commercial double-sided tapes shouldn't leave a sticky residue on your furniture.[3]

    • If you'd rather startle your cat than apply sticky tape, tape a few balloons in places where your cat usually scratches. When your cat goes to scratch, it will pop a balloon. The surprise may stop your cat from scratching.

  4. 4

    Trim your cat's claws. Keep your cat's claws clipped close (but not too close) so its nails are dull and won't do as much damage if it scratches the furniture. If your cat resists clipping, try wrapping it in a towel while you trim or get the nails professionally trimmed.

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  1. 1

    Offer your cat a scratching area. If your cat likes to claw, place a sisal scratching post next to the place it usually scratches. Your cat might prefer this rough, natural fiber as long as the post is solid and won't tip over. If your cat likes to scratch wooden legs of your furniture, use a cedar scratching post. Or if your cat prefers to scratch the soft upholstery of furniture, set out a carpeted scratching post.[4]

    • Be sure to place your cat's scratching furniture in an area where they like to scratch. If, for example, they like scratching on your sofa in the living room, put a scratching post in the living room.

  2. 2

    Encourage your cat to use the scratching area. Rub a little catnip on the scratching posts to attract your cat to them. You might need to occasionally add more catnip to keep your cat interested. You may want to set up more than one post or scratching space in your house, especially if your cat likes to scratch several pieces of furniture.

    • Try to place them in a variety of places so your cat can choose when and where to scratch.
    • Take note of the type of scratching your cat likes to do. If, for example, they like to get on their hind legs and scratch up high, they probably won't use a low-laying scratching pad. Instead, opt for a taller scratching post.

  3. 3

    Reward your cat for good behavior. As soon as you notice your cat using the scratching post instead of the furniture, reinforce the good behavior. Give your cat verbal praise or put a treat at the base of the post. Or you could give your cat a few belly rubs.[5]

    • For example, when you see your cat scratching the post say, "Good cat!" in a friendly tone and rub it behind its ears or give it a treat.

  4. 4

    Say "no" and be consistent with training. If you see your cat scratching the furniture instead of the post, make a loud noise (like clapping) to startle them. Remove them from the furniture and firmly say "no." Do this every time you see your cat scratching the furniture.[6]

    • Don't yell or get angry at your cat. Remember that cats need to scratch in order to keep their nails trimmed. It's also a way that they communicate with other cats.

  5. 5

    Startle your cat if you see undesirable behaviors. Some cats may keep scratching furniture even if you tell them no and remove them. Try startling your cat every time you see it misbehaving. For example, if your cat jumps up onto a couch where you don't want it, walk towards your cat while shaking a can that contains a few pennies.[7]

    • Keep in mind that this typically only stops your cat from scratching when you are around. You will need to combine this with other deterrents for bad behavior and rewards for good behavior to ensure overall success.

  6. 6

    Keep your cat active. Cats are more likely to scratch on furniture if they're bored or need attention. Spend time playing with your cat. Staying active and entertained can reduce misbehavior. For example, you could dangle ribbons on a stick, toss small balls or toys to your cat, or hide treats in puzzle balls for it to find.[8]

    • Consider setting up a play area for your cat that includes items it can scratch. For example, buy an indoor play tree that has a scratching post. Place this near your cat's favorite furniture or by a window so it can look outside.

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    What are some tricks to stop my cat from scratching my furniture?

    How to protect furniture from cat pee

    Brian Bourquin, DVM

    Brian Bourquin, better known as “Dr. B” to his clients, is a Veterinarian and the Owner of Boston Veterinary Clinic, a pet health care and veterinary clinic with three locations, South End/Bay Village, the Seaport, and Brookline, Massachusetts. Boston Veterinary Clinic specializes in primary veterinary care, including wellness and preventative care, sick and emergency care, soft-tissue surgery, dentistry. The clinic also provides specialty services in behavior, nutrition, and alternative pain management therapies using acupuncture, and therapeutic laser treatments. Boston Veterinary Clinic is an AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) accredited hospital and Boston’s first Fear Free Certified Clinic. Brian has over 19 years of veterinary experience and earned his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Cornell University.

    How to protect furniture from cat pee

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How to protect furniture from cat pee

This article was co-authored by Lauren Baker, DVM, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Jessica Gibson. Dr. Baker is a Veterinarian and PhD candidate in Comparative Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Baker received her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Wisconsin in 2016, and went on to pursue a PhD through her work in the Comparative Orthopaedic Research Laboratory. This article has been viewed 94,358 times.

Co-authors: 10

Updated: June 14, 2021

Views: 94,358

Categories: House Training Cats

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