How to make passenger runs elite sothis ceos

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How to make passenger runs elite sothis ceos
How to make passenger runs elite sothis ceos
Passenger missions from system Robigo are quite profitable. A great money maker for Elite Dangerous that can be run even with a 10 mil asp explorer, but best … .


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A trick still working, though maybe a little nerfed These two systems are in the middle of nowhere and have constant missions from one to the other. Easy to rank up and make some money.The journey is long. Dozens of jumps. Mine was 60 jumps at max range. But with a upgraded scanner and scanning all systems on the way will earn you about 2 million when turning it in on sothis which will also get you some rep gain.

Just a thought it you are looking for a journey into the unknown. Fuel scoop is a must

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Shake and bake!
Ricky Bobby: What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!

Nice one. ..I've got the whole weekend to myself to game...may take a look at this.


Its been around for a while so google it for a little extra info.

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Shake and bake!
Ricky Bobby: What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!

It's a long haul tbh and with some passenger missions giving you 1m++ for a 2-3 jump journey, it's not really worth doing Sothis now imo

Probably right there are so many options now. It did open up some high paying passengers though. Some local some 1000ly away lol. Deep space missions

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Shake and bake!
Ricky Bobby: What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!

Do those two systems have good trade? Like each supply what the other demands?

FrozenHELL78 posted...

Do those two systems have good trade? Like each supply what the other demands?
Not trade, no. Its more that you can stack like 20-30 courier/data mission each way, one jump. I'm allied with every faction there, 2 ranks up in federation, and over 10 million credits after 5 or so hours.

Plus there is a specific passenger visit to the next system that spawns multiple times each time paying around 500k. Scan and go home

Cal Naughton, Jr.: Shake and bake!
Ricky Bobby: What does that do? Does that blow your mind? That just happened!

"Robigo Runs", the colloquial name for stacked passenger missions from Robigo to Sothis, have for years been a stable source for 100M Cr/hr and/or the three high-grade engineering materials only available from missions (Biotech Conductors, Exquisite Focus Crystals, and Modified Embedded Firmware).

This guide runs through how to run Robigo.

Robigo Runs are passenger missions from stations in Robigo to the Sirius Atmospherics tourist beacon in Sothis. Robigo and Sothis are 450 light years from Sol and 60 LY from each other, so you're looking at a pretty long haul out there. Ceos completes the triad of major systems in that settled area. Because those few systems are so isolated from each other, it's possible to stack passenger missions all to a single destination up to the capacity of any ship and complete them all in one go.

Ship requirements for Robigo Runs are pretty simple.

  • If possible, a jump range greater than 30.2 LY, which lets you make the trip in two jumps each way. Minimizing the needed jumps is key to efficiency; getting a ship to make the trip in one jump (59.1 LY) removes too much per-run capacity to be effective.

  • As many passenger cabins as you can fit. Business class for class-6; Economy class for everything else. Passenger capacity per cabin is what matters, up to 16 pax per cabin. 6D Business and 5E Economy cabins are 16 pax each; everything below that sticks with Economy to keep numbers up. Robigo passengers aren't at all picky about fancy cabins.

  • For optimization, a heat sink launcher and supercruise assist to reduce supercruise travel times (and defeat possible scans of wanted passengers).

  • For convenience, autodock if desired.

  • For optimization, dirty/drag engineered thrusters to reduce realspace travel times.

Not on this list? Weapons, shields, or optimized core modules other than FSD and thrusters. A big enough distributor to boost regularly is good. A fuel scoop to travel out to Robigo is probably necessary, but should be dumped on arrival.

Babbage Gateway in Ceos has the best local outfitting options. Check there to see which cabins are available on-hand to replace your fuel scoop with when you arrive.

The usual recommendation for Robigo Runs is the Python, as the closest station in Robigo is an outpost (and so caps at Medium pads). Large ships to a more distant starport are an option, but they have more supercruise travel time and more realspace flight time to dock and undock.

If a Python is out of budget, a Type-6 is excellent and cheap, and there's nothing between that and the Python that I'd bother spending money on just for Robigo. The T6's combination of jump range and number of cabins (as distinct from theoretical number of passengers) make alternatives meh at best. The AspX, famed as it is as an outstanding mid-range multi-role, is inferior to the T6 for Robigo Runs. Really. T6, Python, larges if you want them (Conda, Cutter, Vette).

A T6 (manual FSD engineering to 50% of Grade 4 Increased Range) costs less than 3M Cr for six cabins (two max-size). A Python (running the stock v1 FSD from the tech broker) costs a bit under 60M Cr for eight cabins (five max-size). An Anaconda (manual FSD engineering to Grade 2) costs 165M Cr for ten cabins (seven max-size). All add one tiny cabin to those numbers if you drop the autodock.

How to make passenger runs elite sothis ceos

How to make passenger runs elite sothis ceos