How to eat nopal cactus fruit

You probably think you're home free now, right? Ha! Our demonic cactus fruits have another surprise in store to prevent you from enjoying their deliciousness. Packed within the fruit are zillions of hard little seeds. You can't just eat around them - it's like trying to suck through a mouth full of gravel. You'll have to separate the seeds from the pulp.  There are a few ways to do this. The best way I've found is to use a simple food mill. This handy, old fashioned, mechanical device isn't used much nowadays, except by people who make their own baby food. So, if you've had a baby, or if you're just into antiquated equipment, dig out your food mill and put it to good use. 

Chunk up your pile of cactus fruit and run it through the food mill. In no time flat, you'll have a bowl full of delicious pulpy juice. 

  • "I bought a prickly pear today just to try and it was pretty good, so I thought I'd do more research. I enjoyed reading about the preparation that goes into nopales/nopalitos and prickly pears and I think I may buy some of the leaves and see what I can do with them in the kitchen. The recipes were awesome, too, and I appreciate being able to learn about this food that I've never tried. Thanks for the info! :)"

  • "Learned tha ther are fine spines on the paddles as well as the large ones. Also, that younger smaller paddles are better. Alas, I have already purchased and bought the nicest looking ones in the bin, and they are quite large! "

  • "I have been having trouble sleeping and I was really bored, so this article really helped me with that itch. Actually, I love this website, but sometimes you just need to learn how to eat a prickly pear cactus."

  • "I love the warnings about the soft spines (glochids) being annoying, even hurtful. But, the articles/comments continue to urge us to eat the prickly pear fruit. The articles contained a lot of details. Thanks."

  • "My grandmother brought me some cactus pads from Arizona. We wanted to cook some cactus but we didn't know how. These instructions were very helpful. Thank you from Thomas, age 10."

  • "The article was useful in confirming many things I've read about the prickly pear. It also taught me some things I was still uncertain about, such as the value of the pads."

  • "I've been writing a book, and in it, one of their large sources of food is the prickly pear cactus. I didn't know much about it, and wikiHow was super helpful. Thank you!"

  • "I like love prickly pears and I wanted to know what else I can do with then. What I found out is that you can eat the pots. I'll be trying them this summer. Thank you."

  • "I just recently bought a prickly pear and was wondering how to prepare and eat it. This article was very helpful for me, and I can't wait to eat my prickly pear."

  • "I found some prickly pear fruit at the 99 cents only store, and didn't know exactly how to prepare them for eating. Your article about this was really helpful."

  • "I knew nothing about preparing the fruit for eating, and learned everything I need to know. Now to find some pears in the SW the next time I'm in the area."

  • "Very informative. I wish I read it prior to picking the prickly pear fruit bare-handed. Used the duct tape method of spine removal, then soaked in Jacuzzi!"

  • "Helped me very much, and now I have a lot of info about this great plant that Jehovah God has given us so we stay in good health in our lives. Thank you."

  • "It was very helpful, I loved being able to follow the information with the pictures that helped me step by step. Thank you so much."

  • "The tip about the glochids, and buying the first prickly pear, and how to remove the spikes, and the flavor compares all helped."

  • "Just bought some, and wanted to know what the nutritional part of the pear fruit was. I just found out."

  • "How to peel and eat a prickly pear helped, it will be my first time ever to eat one. Thank you!"

  • "Phew -- learned about glochids and how to deal with this annoyance from this article, thanks!"

  • "It told me exactly what I wanted to know about the cactus, and demonstrated with pictures."

  • "I have never used any part of the cactus, so it was all good info for me. Thank you."

  • "I saw some cactus at the store, and I finally found out how to cook it! Thanks."

  • "For my general knowledge and possible use as a new Southwestener."

  • "Everything helped! The article was very informative!!"

  • "I didn't know we could eat cactus!"

  • "I learned how to remove needles. "

  • "Removing spines and glochids."

  • "Thank you, this was helpful!"

  • Have you ever wondered how to eat a prickly pear cactus fruit? The true name is Opuntia, the common names are Prickly pear, cactus fruit, cactus pear, cactus fig, tuna (fruit not the fish), sabra, and nopal.

    In this article, you will learn where prickly pear comes from, what the health benefits of prickly pear are, and how to eat prickly pear and what they taste like.

    If you enjoy tasting new fruits, this is a awesome little fruit to try. On to the information!

    Where do prickly pear come from and where do they grow?

    First of all, there are two main colors or types of prickly pear cactus fruit. The purple ones and the greenish-yellow ones. They grow natively in hot arid climates, for example, they grow very well here in Arizona and the other South Western States. We even have them growing on the side of the streets in town here where I live.

    They grow really well in Mexico, which makes sense because they originated in the Americas. The fruit they produce is commonly called tuna in Mexico, and Prickly pear here in the United States. They can be found in Australia, Bulgaria, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the Middle East among other places. I probably left a few countries out, they are widespread across the world.

    What are the health benefits of prickly pear cactus fruit?

    Some of the health benefits for prickly pear cactus fruit are:

    • Full of antioxidants, with the deep purple ones containing the most antioxidants
    • They support liver health
    • They help to fight inflammation
    • Cactus fruit are high in vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium
    • Very low in calories, one fruit is only about 40 calories
    • They are low in carbs and high in fiber.

    For more health benefits check out this article on prickly pear.

    How to eat a prickly pear cactus fruit?

    Now I will show you how to eat prickly pear cactus fruit.

    First, if taken from the wild, you will notice there are several very sharp thorns/spines in the skin, that must be removed before handling them. If you buy them from the supermarket, they should already be removed, but still be careful, they sometimes miss some of them.

    One way to remove the spines, is to wear leather gloves and then roll or rub the prickly pear in paper towel, or a clean cloth. If the thorns get stuck in your skin, they are really hard to get out. So make sure to remove them! And don’t bite into one with thorns, the last thing you want are thorns stuck on the inside of your mouth.

    It is time to remove the skin. Although the skin is edible, I always remove it to be safe, that is a sure way of not eating any spines. Cut the tops and bottom of the prickly pear off.

    Then slice the fruit lengthwise, about 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch deep. You should now be able to peel the skin off of the fruit no problem.

    You can easily compost the skin or throw it away. Now all you need to do is slice up that fruit.

    Now you know how to eat prickly pear cactus fruit. You can eat them as is raw or they can be used in a number of dishes. In Mexico they are commonly used in appetizers, soups, salads, drinks, jelly and jams.

    What does prickly pear cactus fruit taste like?

    When you first bite into it you will notice there are very hard crunchy seeds, which you can eat or just spit them out. If you are making jam or something you would just strain them. They will blend up fine if put into a smoothie.

    They have a very mild sweet flavor, depending on the variety and ripeness, some are sweeter than others. The texture reminds me of a mixture between a kiwi, pear, and watermelon. To me, it has a nice pleasant flavor. Some people describe the flavor as a cross between a watermelon and classic bubble gum.

    Now that you know how to eat prickly pear, next time you get the opportunity, try one out!

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