How to count words in ms word 2010

This guide describes 3 easy ways to count the number of words in a document in MS Office Word. The following methods apply to Microsoft Word 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.

Way 1: See the status bar

Here comes the simple trick to view the number of pages and words in your document.

To do: Take a look at the status bar at the bottom-right corner of the workspace.

See more information, click it to open Word Count dialog box.

How to count words in ms word 2010

Way 2: Use Word Count

To check how many words and characters in a document, here's how:

1. In Word, go to Review tab, click Word Count in the Proofing group.

How to count words in ms word 2010

2. In the Word Count dialog box, you can see the number of:

  • Pages
  • Words
  • Characters
  • Characters excluding spaces

How to count words in ms word 2010

Way 3: Show the number of words in your document

1. Click where you want to add the number of words that are in your document.

2. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts.

How to count words in ms word 2010

3. In drop-down list of Quick Parts, click Field.

How to count words in ms word 2010

4. In the Field names list, click NumWords, and then click OK.

How to count words in ms word 2010

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Aside from the various options tools that help you format your document, you might also need to get some information about the document. Therefore it can be helpful to view the word count in Microsoft Word 2010. This information can be shown in the bar at the bottom of the screen, and you can even click it to open a word count dialog box which shows some additional information.

If you are writing for a publication, or as part of a project for your school or job, then you might be subject to a minimum or maximum word count. Microsoft Word 2010 has a tool that will keep track of your word count, and it is typically shown in the horizontal status bar at the bottom of the program window.

But the word count, like the other options in the status bar, can be hidden by the user. So if you need to get a word count for your document, but are unable to find it, then you can follow the steps below to re-enable the word count in Word 2010.

How to Get a Word Count in Word 2010

  1. Open a document.
  2. Right-click in the status bar.
  3. Select the Word Count option.

Our article continues below with additional information on how to get a word count in Microsoft Word 2010, including pictures of these steps.

How to Show the Word Count in Word 2010 (Guide with Pictures)

The steps in this article will show you how to add the word count to the status bar at the bottom of the Word 2010 window. That count is typically shown in that location by default, but it is possible to hide it at any point, sometimes even by accident. We will assume that you cannot currently see the word count.

Step 1: Open Microsoft Word 2010.

Step 2: Locate the status bar at the bottom of the window.

The specific contents of the status bar might vary, but it is the horizontal bar at the bottom of the window.

How to count words in ms word 2010

Step 3: Right-click in an open spot on the status bar, then click the Word Count option.

How to count words in ms word 2010

The word count will remain visible in Word 2010 for each document that you open, unless you open up the status bar shortcut menu again and turn off the Word Count option.

More Information on the Word Count in Microsoft Word 2010

  • If all you need is a word count, then the information at the bottom of the screen could be all that you need. However, that box is clickable. If you click it you can see more information, such as the number of characters in the document.
  • You can also find your document word count by clicking the Review tab at the top of the window, then selecting the Word Count button in the Proofing section of the ribbon. However, I personally like to know how many words are in my document as I am typing, which is why I find the button with the number of words at the bottom of the screen to be more useful.

Do you like to use Overtype mode in Word 2010, but find that it isn’t working? You can enable or disable overtype mode from the Word Options menu.

If you are looking for a character count for your document, then you will need to take an extra step. Learn how to find the character count in Word 2010 with the help of the word count.

Additional Reading

How to count words in ms word 2010

Kermit Matthews is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with more than a decade of experience writing technology guides. He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and has spent much of his professional career in IT management.

He specializes in writing content about iPhones, Android devices, Microsoft Office and many other popular applications and devices.

Microsoft Word includes a word counter that lets you track the number of words that you’ve typed in your documents. It’s really useful when you work on documents that require a certain number of words or have a certain word limit. This word count in Microsoft Word helps count characters as well.

There are various ways to access the word count in Word. You can use the status bar, open the word count window, and even add the live word counter as a field to your document. You can view the word and character count in Word online as well.

View The Word Count As You Type In Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word has a real-time word counter that counts the words as you type in your document and lets you view them in the status bar. You don’t need to open any menus or windows to access it.

This comes in handy when you want a live tracker to count the words that you type in your file.

  1. Open Word from the Start Menu on your computer.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Either start a new document or open your existing document to see the word count.
  2. At the bottom-left corner of your screen, you’ll see the count of your words. It displays the total number of words that are there in all the pages of your current open document.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. In case you don’t see the word count, right-click the status bar at the bottom of your screen and choose the Word Count option. This’ll add the word counter to the status bar.

How to count words in ms word 2010

Find Count For The Selected Words

If you have a large Word document and you only want to find the word count in Word for select text, you can do that as well using the same word counter feature.

This’ll work for all the pages in your current document but not for multiple Word documents. You need to count words for multiple documents separately using this method.

  1. Right-click on your Word document, select Open with, and choose Word.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Select the text that you want to find the word count for. You can select as many blocks of text as you want in any pages of the document.
  2. Take a look at the status bar in the bottom and it’ll say XX of YY words. XX is the word count for the selected text and YY is the total number of words in your document.

How to count words in ms word 2010

View Character & Word Count With More Details

By default, the status bar only shows a limited number of information such as your word and characters count. If you want to access more details like the number of pages and paragraphs, character count with and without spaces, then you’ll need to open the Word Count box.

This box opens from within Word on your computer.

  1. Open your document in Word on your machine.
  2. Find the tab that says Review at the top and click it.
  3. Locate the section that says Proofing and click the Word Count option in it.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. A small box will open on your screen letting you view the word count and other details for your document.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. You can deselect the Include textboxes, footnotes and endnotes option if you don’t want to include them in your word count.
  2. Click Close when you’ve finished viewing the word count.

Add a Word Count To Your Document

Word lets you display the word count as a field in your document. This allows you to show the word count anywhere you want in your document. The count will appear as a normal text and you can apply your formattings and styles to it if you want.

  1. Open your document in Word.
  2. Place the cursor where you want to display the word count.
  3. Click the menu item that says Insert at the top.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Find the section that says Text and click the Quick Parts option in it.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Choose Field from the options available on your screen.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. On the left-hand side, you’ll see a list of fields that you can add to your document. Find the field that says NumWords, select it, and click the OK button at the bottom.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. The word count will appear at your chosen location in your document.
  2. When you add new words to the document, you’ll need to manually update the word count. To do this, right-click on the word count in your document and choose Update Field.

How to count words in ms word 2010

View The Word Count In Microsoft Word Online

If you use the online version of Microsoft Office, you also have the word count feature in Word online. You can access it pretty much the same way as the desktop version.

  1. Head to the Office website and log-in to your account to access the Office apps.
  2. Either create a new document or edit an existing one.
  3. Click the Review tab in the top menu bar.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Click the Word Count option to view the number of words in your current document.

How to count words in ms word 2010

Add a Word Count To The Status Bar In MS Word Online

You can display the live word count in the status bar in the Office online version as well. This only requires you to enable an option in Word online.

  1. Open your document in Word online.
  2. Click the Review tab at the top.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Click the down arrow icon next to Word Count.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Tick-mark the Show Word Count option.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. You’ll see the current word count in the status bar at the bottom of your screen.

What To Do If The Word Count In Word Doesn’t Work

If the word count doesn’t automatically update in the status bar or if the counter dims every now and then, there are a few things you can do to fix these issues.

Reboot Your Computer

Turning your computer off and then back on should fix the issue where the word counter doesn’t refresh on its own.

Disable & Enable The Word Count

You can try disabling the word count and then enabling it to see if that fixes the problem where the counter dims every now and then.

  1. Right-click on the status bar in Word and untick Word Count.

How to count words in ms word 2010

  1. Right-click on the status bar again and tick-mark Word Count.

How to count words in ms word 2010

If you want to count words for multiple documents, you can merge your documents together and Word will show the word count for all your documents.