How to control nutrient loss during processing of fruit and vegetables

Food loss and waste from fruit and vegetables are as high as 50% (Gustavsson et al. 2011). There is lack of information on micro-nutrient losses in the food supply chains. Given the large scale of micro-nutrient deficiencies and the need of diversified diets to prevent and control micro-nutrient deficiencies worldwide, there is a real need for nutrient loss data to assess the causes and scale of the problem. It would also help inform data-driven food systems policies and programs to reduce nutrient losses and FLW, and to encourage sustainable food production and food consumption patterns. Reduction in FLW could potentially a sustainable solution to allow more foods being made available to feed the world and to reduce micronutrient deficiencies among the vulnerable people around the world. This topic was presented in several occasions during the 1st Post-harvest Congress held in Rome at the beginning of October. Two posters have been illustrated by Dr. Warren T.K. Lee, FAO Senior Nutrition Officer, and Professor Mauro Serafini from the Functional Foods and Metabolic Stress Prevention Laboratory of the Research Council on Agriculture, Italy.

Results from a new study conducted by FAO to determine Vitamin A losses, including β-carotene and retinol in selected food supply chains in Kenya and Norway have been presented. The Norwegian ‘ForMat’food waste database (2011-12) and the FAO food balance sheets with data on fruits and vegetables availability in Norway were used to estimate Vitamin A losses under the ‘Fruit and vegetables’ categories along the food supply chains. In Kenya, PHL of Vitamin A from four food items: banana (including plantain), maize, milk (all animals) and fish (all fish caught on land) in selected counties of Kenya were estimated based on the SAVE FOOD Kenya case study (2012-13).

In addition, another study has investigated losses of vitamins A and C associated with fruit and vegetables losses along the food supply chains in seven regions of the world during 2009. Results have shown that across the seven regions, agricultural production, post-harvest and consumption accounted for the majority of vitamins FLW along the food supply chains, while food processing accounted for the lowest FLW. Vitamins A and C losses and waste in fruits and vegetables due to FLW across the entire food supply chains are alarmingly high in the world, especially during agricultural production, post-harvest and consumption, reduction in FLW could avail more micro-nutrients for human consumption, thereby contributing to the alleviation of micro-nutrient deficiencies in the world’s vulnerable populations.

Governments and stakeholders in the food supply chains must act to implement concrete measures to reduce FLW in order to achieve global food security and nutrition while protecting natural resources and improving the sustainability of food systems. Nutrient losses recovered from FLW could be redistributed to feed vulnerable people with micro-nutrient deficiencies.

Further details at:


Mauro Serafini1,2, Warren T K Lee1, Elisabetta Toti2, Camelia Bucatariu3, Jorge M Fonseca3, Robert van Otterdijk3 and Divine Njie3

1Nutrition Division, 3Rural Infrastructure and Ago-Industries Division, FAO. Rome, Italy.

2Functional Foods and Metabolic Stress Prevention Laboratory, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Center of Food and Nutrition. Rome, Italy.


Warren T K Lee1, Mauro Serafini1,2, Elisabetta Toti2, Camelia Bucatariu3, Jorge M Fonseca3, Robert van Otterdijk3 and Divine Njie3

1Nutrition Division, 3Rural Infrastructure and Ago-Industries Division, FAO. Rome, Italy.

2Functional Foods and Metabolic Stress Prevention Laboratory, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Center of Food and Nutrition. Rome, Italy.


Gustavsson G, Cederberg C, Sonesson U (2011). Global Food Losses and Food Waste, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

Written by Franziska SpritzlerMedically reviewed by Atli Arnarson BSc, PhD Updated on November 7, 2019

Eating nutritious foods can improve your health and energy levels.

Surprisingly, the way you cook your food has a major effect on the amount of nutrients it contains.

This article explores how various cooking methods affect the nutrient content of foods.

Cooking food improves digestion and increases the absorption of many nutrients (1, 2).

For example, the protein in cooked eggs is 180% more digestible than that of raw eggs (3).

However, some cooking methods reduce several key nutrients.

The following nutrients are often reduced during cooking:

  • water-soluble vitamins: vitamin C and the B vitamins — thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid (B9), and cobalamin (B12)
  • fat-soluble vitamins: vitamins A, D, E, and K
  • minerals: primarily potassium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium

Although cooking improves digestion and the absorption of many nutrients, it may reduce levels of some vitamins and minerals.

Boiling, simmering, and poaching are similar methods of water-based cooking.

These techniques differ by water temperature:

  • poaching: less than 180°F (82°C)
  • simmering: 185–200°F (85–93°C)
  • boiling: 212°F (100°C)

Vegetables are generally a great source of vitamin C, but a large amount of it is lost when they’re cooked in water.

In fact, boiling reduces vitamin C content more than any other cooking method. Broccoli, spinach, and lettuce may lose up to 50% or more of their vitamin C when boiled (4, 5).

Because vitamin C is water-soluble and sensitive to heat, it can leach out of vegetables when they’re immersed in hot water.

B vitamins are similarly heat sensitive. Up to 60% of thiamine, niacin, and other B vitamins may be lost when meat is simmered and its juices run off.

However, when the liquid containing these juices is consumed, 100% of the minerals and 70–90% of B vitamins are retained (6).

On the other hand, boiling fish was shown to preserve omega-3 fatty acid content significantly more than frying or microwaving (7).


While water-based cooking methods cause the greatest losses of water-soluble vitamins, they have very little effect on omega-3 fats.

Grilling and broiling are similar methods of cooking with dry heat.

When grilling, the heat source comes from below, but when broiling, it comes from above.

Grilling is one of the most popular cooking methods because of the great flavor it gives food.

However, up to 40% of B vitamins and minerals may be lost during grilling or broiling when the nutrient-rich juice drips from the meat (6).

There are also concerns about polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which are potentially cancer-causing substances that form when meat is grilled and fat drips onto a hot surface.

However, researchers have found that PAHs can be decreased by 41–89% if drippings are removed and smoke is minimized (8).


Grilling and broiling provide great flavor but also reduce levels of B vitamins. Also, grilling generates potentially cancer-causing substances.

Microwaving is an easy, convenient, and safe method of cooking.

Short cooking times and reduced exposure to heat preserve the nutrients in microwaved food (9, 10).

In fact, studies have found that microwaving is the best method for retaining the antioxidant activity of garlic and mushrooms (11, 12).

Meanwhile, about 20–30% of the vitamin C in green vegetables is lost during microwaving, which is less than most cooking methods (5).


Microwaving is a safe cooking method that preserves most nutrients due to short cooking times.

Roasting and baking refer to cooking food in an oven with dry heat.

Although these terms are somewhat interchangeable, roasting is typically used for meat while baking is used for bread, muffins, cake, and similar foods.

Most vitamin losses are minimal with this cooking method, including vitamin C.

However, due to long cooking times at high temperatures, the B vitamins in roasted meat may decline by as much as 40% (6).


Roasting or baking does not have a significant effect on most vitamins and minerals, except for B vitamins.

With sautéing and stir-frying, food is cooked in a saucepan over medium to high heat in a small amount of oil or butter.

These techniques are very similar, but with stir-frying, the food is stirred often, the temperature is higher, and the cooking time is shorter.

In general, this is a healthy way to prepare food.

Cooking for a short time without water prevents the loss of B vitamins, and the addition of fat improves the absorption of plant compounds and antioxidants (6, 13, 14).

One study found that the absorption of beta carotene was 6.5 times greater in stir-fried carrots than in raw ones (15).

In another study, blood lycopene levels increased 80% more when people consumed tomatoes sautéed in olive oil rather than without it (16).

On the other hand, stir-frying has been shown to significantly reduce the amount of vitamin C in broccoli and red cabbage (5, 17).


Sautéing and stir-frying improve the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and some plant compounds, but they decrease the amount of vitamin C in vegetables.

Frying involves cooking food in a large amount of fat — usually oil — at a high temperature. The food is often coated with batter or bread crumbs.

It’s a popular way of preparing food because the skin or coating maintains a seal, which ensures that the inside remains moist and cooks evenly.

The fat used for frying also makes the food taste very good.

However, not all foods are appropriate for frying.

Fatty fish are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which have many health benefits. However, these fats are very delicate and prone to damage at high temperatures.

For example, frying tuna has been shown to degrade its omega-3 content by up to 70–85%, while baking causes only minimal losses (18, 19).

In contrast, frying preserves vitamin C and B vitamins, and it may also increase the amount of fiber in potatoes by converting their starch into resistant starch (20).

When oil is heated to a high temperature for a long period of time, toxic substances called aldehydes are formed. Aldehydes have been linked to an increased risk of cancer and other diseases (21).

The type of oil, temperature, and length of cooking time affect the amount of aldehydes produced. Reheating oil also increases aldehyde formation.

If you’re going to fry food, don’t overcook it, and use one of the healthiest oils for frying.


Frying makes food taste delicious, and it can provide some benefits when healthy oils are used. It’s best to avoid frying fatty fish and minimize the frying time of other foods.

Steaming is one of the best cooking methods for preserving nutrients, including water-soluble vitamins, which are sensitive to heat and water (4, 5, 6, 17).

Researchers have found that steaming broccoli, spinach, and lettuce reduces their vitamin C content by only 9–15% (5).

The downside is that steamed vegetables may taste bland. However, this is easy to remedy by adding some seasoning and oil or butter after cooking.


Steaming is one of the best cooking methods for preserving nutrients, including water-soluble vitamins.

Here are 10 tips to reduce nutrient loss while cooking:

  1. Use as little water as possible when poaching or boiling.
  2. Consume the liquid left in the pan after cooking vegetables.
  3. Add back juices from meat that drip into the pan.
  4. Don’t peel vegetables until after cooking them. Better yet, don’t peel at all to maximize their fiber and nutrient density.
  5. Cook vegetables in smaller amounts of water to reduce the loss of vitamin C and B vitamins.
  6. Try to eat any cooked vegetables within a day or two, as their vitamin C content may continue to decline when the cooked food is exposed to air.
  7. Cut food after — rather than before — cooking, if possible. When food is cooked whole, less of it is exposed to heat and water.
  8. Cook vegetables for only a few minutes whenever possible.
  9. When cooking meat, poultry, and fish, use the shortest cooking time needed for safe consumption.
  10. Don’t use baking soda when cooking vegetables. Although it helps maintain color, vitamin C will be lost in the alkaline environment produced by baking soda.

There are many ways to preserve the nutrient content of foods without sacrificing taste or other qualities.

It’s important to select the right cooking method to maximize the nutritional quality of your meal.

However, there is no perfect cooking method that retains all nutrients.

In general, cooking for shorter periods at lower temperatures with minimal water will produce the best results.

Don’t let the nutrients in your food go down the drain.

Last medically reviewed on November 7, 2019

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