How to change the tab selector to a right tab in word 2022

Tab stops in Microsoft Word give you quick and easy ways to move your cursor to certain spots. This is handy for indents or specific spacing. Here, we’ll show you how to add, edit, and remove tab stops in Word.

You have two ways to work with tab stops in Microsoft Word. You can open the tab settings or use the ruler. This gives you flexibility for what’s most convenient at the time. Keep in mind that any changes or additions you make to tab stops in Word apply to that document only.

Add Tab Stops in Word

By default, tab stops in Word are 0.5 inches for every press of the Tab key. But you can add more tab stops in the locations you need them either in settings or with the ruler.

Add Stops Using Settings

Go to the Home tab and click the arrow in the Paragraph section of the ribbon to display the Paragraph settings. On either tab, click the “Tabs…” button in the lower-left corner.


Enter a new tab stop location in the Tab Stop Position box at the top. Optionally choose the Alignment and add a Leader if you like. Press “Set” to add that stop to the list and “OK” when you finish adding stops.

Add Stops Using the Ruler

Maybe your cursor is in the position in your document where you want to add a tab stop. This is an ideal time to use the ruler to add one.

Click the tab button to the left of the ruler to choose the type of tab stop you want to use. With each click, you’ll cycle through left, right, center, and the rest of the tab stop types.

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When you reach the one you want, click the ruler. You’ll then see this tab stop added in the spot you picked.

Edit Tab Stops in Word

Like adding a tab stop in Word, you can edit one using either the settings or the ruler.

Edit Stops Using Settings

Open the tab settings using the arrow in the Paragraph section of the ribbon and the Tabs button.

Select a tab stop in the list and make your changes. You can adjust the alignment or tab leader, but if you change the position, this creates a new tab stop. Click “Set” when you finish and “OK” if you’re done.

Edit Stops Using the Ruler

After you add a tab stop using the ruler, you may want to change its location. Simply select and drag the tab stop to its new spot on the ruler.


If you want to change the type of tab stop, alignment, or leader, double-click the tab stop on the ruler. This takes you directly to the tab settings for that stop. Make your changes, press “Set,” and click “OK” when you finish.

Remove Tab Stops in Word

You can clear all tab stops you’ve set up or just one. Of course, you can do this in the settings or on the ruler as well.

Remove Stops Using Settings

Open the tab settings as described above. To remove one tab stop, select it in the list and click “Clear.”

To remove all tab stops, click “Clear All.”


When you finish, click “OK” to close the tab settings.

Remove Stops Using the Ruler

Just like changing a tab stop’s position on the ruler, you can remove one. Select the tab stop and drag it out of the ruler.

Change the Default Tab Stop

If you want to change the default tab stop from 0.5 to something else, reopen the tab settings.


Use the box labeled Default Tab Stops to enter a new position or use the arrows to increase or decrease the number in small increments. Click “OK” when you finish.

Because tab stops are such useful tools in Word, it’s important to know how to set them exactly as you want, and now you do!

RELATED: How to Add, Edit, and Remove Tab Stops in Google Docs

Word offers tab stops as a feature for formatting paragraphs, as tab stops align the text in your document to the left and right.

Word has default tab stop settings, but you can set custom tabs.

In addition, you can press the tab key on your keyboard, which will then insert the tab character into your document. This moves the insertion point for your text to the tab stop. 

You can use tab stops to evenly distribute the text between the left and right margins. By default, Word sets tab stops every half-inch. 

2 ways to Set Right Tab Stop in MS Word

  • Using paragraph settings.
  • Using the horizontal ruler.

We will explain how to do the above in simple, step-by-step instructions.

Let us begin.

Method #1: Using Paragraph Settings

Use this method when you have to be very precise in selecting the size of the tabs you will apply to your document.

Step #1: Open a Word document

Open your Word document.

Select the text where you want to set the right tab stop, by clicking and dragging over the text with your mouse pointer.

Step #2: Set up paragraph setting

Click on the ‘Home’ tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

Click the launcher icon next to ‘Paragraph’, which is a small downward pointing arrow to the right of the word Paragraph.

This opens the ‘Paragraph’ dialog box.

Step #3: Set up Tab stop positions

Click on the Tabs… button at the bottom of the dialog box.

The Tabs dialog box will open.

As we are setting the right tab, select Right under Alignment.

Under Tab stop position: enter your first desired tab stop position as a number. This could either be millimeters, pixels, or characters, depending on your preference and regional area.

Click on the ‘Set’ button to accept the tab stop position.

Enter the next tab stop position under Tab stop position:.

Again, click on the ‘Set’ button to accept the tab stop position.

Set as many tab stops as you would like to introduce.

Click on the OK button to close the dialog box.

Now Word introduces all the right tab stops in the document, as you can see in the example below.

Method #2: Use the Horizontal Ruler

Use this method when you feel comfortable applying tabs visually, without needing to be extremely precise with the size of the tabs.

Step #1: Open a Word document

Open your Word document.

Select the text where you want to set the right tab stops.

Step #2: Show horizontal ruler

Click on the ‘View’ tab in the top menu bar to change the ribbon.

In the section ‘Show’, click on Ruler, making sure there is a tick mark in the square on the left.

Word will now display the horizontal ruler at the top of your document, beneath the menu ribbon.

Step #3: Set the type of tab stop

To the extreme left of your document window, underneath the ribbon, you will see a small ‘Tab type’ icon which initially looks like the letter L.

Repeatedly click on this ‘Tab type’ in the bottom left corner below the ribbon, until it shows the right tab stop, which looks like the letter L on its back. 

Step #4: Introduce right tab stops in the ruler

Click directly underneath or on the ruler to introduce as many right tab stops as you want.

Now Word introduces all the right tab stops in the document, as you can see in the example below.


We have shown you two simple methods to introduce right tab stops in your document. 

You can add as few or as many as you want. 

You can also read our related article describing how to add Left Tab Stops.

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