How many ways 3 couples will sit in a row of 6 chairs Given that each couple will be seated together?

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Hint: Here, first we have to take the couples as A, B and C. First we have to calculate the number of possible ways that the couples are seated next to each other. Here, each couple has to be arranged among themselves in 2! ways. Each couple can be seated next to each other in 3! ways. With this data we have to calculate the total possible seating arrangements. Next, to find the number of ways that all ladies sit together, we have to arrange the ladies among themselves which is 3! ways and then, consider 3 men and 3 ladies as 4 units where 3 ladies are tied together which will be 4! Ways.Complete Step-by-Step solution:Here, we are given that the married couples are to be seated next to each other in a cinema hall.Now, we have to find the number of possible ways they can be seated and also the number of ways of their seating if all ladies sit together.First let us consider the three couples as A, B and C which each couple is taken as single unit as in figure:

Then the number of possible ways in which the spouses can be seated next to each other is 3! ways.We also know that the couples can interchange their position and sit. Then the number of possible ways that the couple can be seated is 2! ways.Since, there are three couples then each couple can be seated in 2! ways.Therefore, the total number of possible ways that the couples sit next to each other is, n where:$n=3!\times 2!\times 2!\times 2!$We know that:$\begin{align}  & 2!=1\times 2=2 \\  & 3!=1\times 2\times 3=6 \\ \end{align}$Now, by substituting these values we obtain:$\begin{align}  & n=6\times 2\times 2\times 2 \\  & n=48 \\ \end{align}$Therefore, we can say that the spouses can be seated next to each other in 48 possible ways.Next, we have to find the number of ways of seating if all ladies sit together.So, here we will have three ladies sitting together.The three ladies among themselves are arranged in 3! ways.Hence, we will have 4 units, 3 men and 3 ladies tied together. These 4 units can be arranged in 4! ways.Therefore, the total number of possible ways where the ladies sit together = $4!\times 3!$We have:$\begin{align}  & 4!=1\times 2\times 3\times 4=24 \\  & 3!=1\times 2\times 3=6 \\ \end{align}$Hence, the total number of possible ways where the ladies sit together = $24\times 6=144$Therefore, we can say that there are 144 possible seating arrangements if all the ladies sit together.Note: Here, we have to take the couples as a single unit. While arranging we also have to arrange among themselves which will be 2! ways. While arranging the ladies sitting together we will have 4 units, 3 men and 3 ladies tied together.

For $A_2$ you have a good idea, but you missed a detail. There are $3$ ways to choose which couple does not sit together; this is the factor that you missed. Then there are $3$ ways to split that couple (your $P_1aP_2b$, $aP_1bP_2$, and $aP_1P_2b$), $2$ ways to decide which couple is $P_1$ and which is $P_2$, and $2$ ways to seat the members of each couple, so


In terms of your calculation, that changes $4!-2!\cdot3$ to $4!-3\cdot2!\cdot3=6$, and $2!^3\cdot3\cdot6=144$.

Probably the easiest way to calculate $A_3$ is to subtract the total of the other three possibilities from $6!$, since you already have them.

Added: Since there are only three couples, $A_4$ isn’t too hard to calculate by hand. Let $A$ be the person in the first seat in the row; there are $6$ choices for $A$. Let $A'$ be $A$’s spouse. Anyone except $A'$ can sit in the second seat, so there are $4$ possibilities; call the person who sits there $B$. Now split the count into two cases.

  1. The third seat is taken by $C$, a member of the third couple. There are $2$ ways to choose $C$, so there are altogether $6\cdot4\cdot2$ ways to fill the first three seats with members of three distinct couples. The fourth seat can be occupied by $A'$ or $B\,'$, and in either case the last two people can sit in either order, so there are $2^2=4$ ways to fill out the row, for a total of $6\cdot4\cdot2\cdot4=192$ arrangements.

  2. The third seat is taken by $A'$, so that we have $ABA'$ in the first three seats. The rest of this calculation is spoiler-protected to give you a chance to finish it on your own.

$A'$’s spouse is in the first seat, so at first sight it might appear that any of the $3$ remaining people can take the fourth seat. However, if $B\,'$ takes it, the third couple will be forced to sit together, so it must actually be taken by a member of the third couple, say $C$, and the last three seats must be filled $CB\,'C'$: the only choice is in the order of the two members of the third couple. This case therefore accounts for another $6\cdot4\cdot2=48$ arrangements. Combining results, we see that $A_4=192+48=240$.


Joined: 14 Dec 2004

Posts: 72

Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a [#permalink]

  13 Jan 2005, 19:09

Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a performance of a musical comedy.1. In how many ways can they be seated?2. In how many ways can they be seated if each couple is to sit together with the husband to the left of the wife?3. In how many ways can they be seated if each couple is to sit together?

4. In how many ways can they be seated if all the men are to sit together and all the women are to sit together?


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Re: Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a [#permalink]

  13 Jan 2005, 23:28

Here are my answers. (1) 6 people in 6 seats => 6! = 720 (2)There is a definite order contsraint that husband is to the left of wife. Thus, 3 couples can seat in 3! = 6 ways. (3)3 couples can seat in 3! ways and each couple can themselves change seats in 2! ways. Thus, the totall number of ways = 3! * 2! *2! * 2! = 48 (4)3 Men can seat 3! ways in 3 seats. 3 Women can seat 3! ways in 3 seats. Men and women as two packs can occupy the seats in 2! ways (Leftmost 3 seats women or rightmost 3 seats women). => the total number of ways = 2! * 3! * 3! = 72 Awaiting answers..

cloaked_vessel wrote:

Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a performance of a musical comedy.1. In how many ways can they be seated?2. In how many ways can they be seated if each couple is to sit together with the husband to the left of the wife?3. In how many ways can they be seated if each couple is to sit together?

4. In how many ways can they be seated if all the men are to sit together and all the women are to sit together?

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Re: Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a [#permalink]

  14 Jan 2005, 04:35

1. 6! 2. 3! 3. 3! * (2!)^3

4. 3! * 3! * 2!


Joined: 14 Dec 2004

Posts: 72

Re: Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a [#permalink]

  14 Jan 2005, 06:40

correct answers:720,6,48,


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Re: Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a [#permalink]

  11 Dec 2018, 02:47

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Re: Three married couples have bought 6 seats in a row for a [#permalink]

11 Dec 2018, 02:47


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