How long can dogs hold their pee Reddit

Are there studies out there showing that dogs who routinely hold their pee for long hours can have long-term health issues?

I know the general rule of thumb is no more than 8 hours but is this supported by actual studies?

My 11 month old Shiba Inu can hold for a really long time. On days he doesn't go to doggy daycare he holds for 9.5 hours; when I take him out after I get home from work he still chooses to hunt crickets/play w sticks in the grass for a long time before he finally goes pee.

I'd hire a dog walker but I would really prefer not to have someone entering my apt if I don't have to.

I've been fostering a dog about 8 weeks now, a 2 year old coonhound. It definitely has not been easy...but the worst of it is that she pees in my apartment almost everyday. If I don't walk her every 2 hours, she is peeing on the carpet. I don't know what to do. She doesn't pee in her crate, and will be in there for 4 or 5 hours at a time. But when she's out in the apartment, there is a 2 hour limit max before she is peeing somewhere.

I've been trying to be patient, give her some time...but its been 8 weeks. I already take her out 5 times a day and she still pees in the house almost everyday. I fill her water dish once on the morning and once at dinner. I don't know what to do. Any advice?

I’ve read that they can hold n+1 hours with n = age in month. My puppy is 4 months right now and I’ve noticed that during the day she needs to go every 1.5-2hr or so. During nightime she has held it for 5-6 hours but sometimes she can only hold for 3 hrs. Is this normal? Regardless of this we take her out for potty every 2 hrs.

She also been licking her female part lately. Idk whether how often is too often? I’m worried about UTI and I think she licks it once or twice a day.

My dog can easily hold his bladder overnight for 10+ hours and often gets up in the middle of the night to drink water. When I go to work, or leave him home alone, he can only last 6.5 hours without having an accident. Is this normal? Any tips for training my dog up to leaving him for an 8 hour stretch?

Edit: my dog is 3-4 years old. I adopted him as an adult a little more than a year ago. When I first adopted him, I tried leaving him loose in the house. He had an accident almost daily, so I tried restricting his access to a small space. Still no luck. Finally tried crate training and walking midday. He still has accidents in his crate if I leave him for more than 6 hours. These days, it's daycare, but it adds up fast.


Just got a new dog approx 2.5 years old. I was just wondering (I've never had a dog before) how long approximately should he be able to hold it? Sometimes I sleep 10 hours, not viable with a dog?


[Help] How long can a dog hold their urine ? from dogs

Hi all, I have a 11 month bichon and he’s amazing at holding his bladder all night, but he doesn’t hold very long during the day. Whenever I search about bladder capacity and dogs, it seems to always be regarding nights and sleeping hours.

How long typically can a dog hold it when there’s play (not super intense just casually being awake and doing some training mainly)?

I ask because I want to know that when he whines/barks in his crate if it’s because he needs to go or if he just wants the attention and won’t settle. Thank you!

I take my dog out at around 10 pm. She doesn’t eat or drink anything afterwards but lays in bed with me while I’m still on my phone. She won’t fall asleep unless I do and I go to bed at around 11ish to 12 am.

I have a puppy that gets taken out by someone else at 6 am which wakes up my dog and me. I usually fall back asleep and don’t get up until 8-9 am to take her out.

I heard you shouldn’t make dogs wait over 8 hours to go potty. Is this alright?

This question is really for owners of fully potty-trained dogs. I'm not having problems with my dog going inside.

My dog is a spayed female lab mix, about eight or nine years old. Sometimes, her last walk of the day will end before 6pm, and then she doesn't go for another walk until 6am the next morning. We've never had an issue with her being able to hold her "potty" in the two years we have had her. (Well, except for one incident when she had diarrhea and my husband overslept — that was more of a medical problem, though.)

She regularly goes 12 hours without having a chance to go outside, but only overnight. During the day, she gets walked every 4-6 hours, so there's no issue at that time.

I'm just wondering: Even though my dog can hold it, is it fair to ask her to do so? There are occasional mornings where she'll act pretty anxious and make it clear to me she needs to go outside, but it's not very frequent. On those mornings, I'll take her out as soon as I notice the signs.

I just know she's getting older and I want to make her life more comfortable. We don't have a fenced backyard, so there's no option to just open the door and let her out. We have to strap on her harness and leash, and get fully dressed (which is a pain in the winter) in order to take her outside.

TL;DR: I am wondering how long you ask your fully potty-trained dog to "hold it" in between bathroom breaks. My dog regularly holds it for 12 hours and I'm wondering if this is fair to her. Most of the time, she doesn't make a big deal about it.

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