Do kittens sneeze when teething

Most kittens nibble, bite and chew on objects in their new forever homes. Pet parents may wonder why their new kitties want to gnaw on everything in sight, including their fingers and toes. These are signs your young cat is teething. Today, you’ll learn six things about your new kitten’s teeth.

You should also bring your new kitten in for its vaccinations and annual checkup at Tipp City Veterinary Hospital.

1. Your Kitten Will Have Two Sets of Teeth During its Lifetime

Cats grow two sets of teeth during their lifetime just like human beings. Kittens are born without any teeth which allows them to nurse without injuring their mothers. At three weeks old, their deciduous teeth start emerging from their gums. They are also called milk, baby, or kitten teeth. These temporary teeth will drop out and later be replaced by adult ones.

Kittens develop a total of 26 baby teeth that rapidly emerge. First, small, translucent teeth named incisors appear at the front of their mouths. Two weeks later, the fangs grow in. Around six months old, their premolars show up.

Young cats baby teeth are sharp and can hurt their nursing mothers. At this stage, pet parents should wean kittens off of nursing and give them solid food. Foster parents of younger cats should stop bottle-feeding kittens once their deciduous teeth appear.

2. Kittens Develop Thirty Permanent Teeth

Many kittens begin losing their baby teeth during around 3 1/2 to four months old. They develop tooth buds in their upper and lower jaws when their permanent ones develop. The adult teeth press against the baby ones. They stimulate the kitten’s body to reabsorb the deciduous roots which weaken and disappear. The adult crowns cut through the gums and push the milk teeth out.

Felines have 30 permanent teeth by 6-7 months old. The following schedule shows when your kitty should receive all 30 teeth.

  • Their first adult teeth will appear around 11 weeks old.
  • The permanent incisors begin to show around four months.
  • Your kitten’s canine teeth grow in around five months old.
  • Around six months, your cat will receive its premolars.
  • The permanent molars arrive by adulthood.

3. Young Cats Experience Teething Process Like Human Babies

The majority of kitten teething issues occur when cats begin receiving their permanent teeth. Most young felines don’t have problems during the process since their baby ones fall out painlessly. Some swallow their deciduous teeth when they’re eating a meal. Others lose them while playing. Pet parents may find their kitten’s hollowed-out teeth on carpeting in their homes.

Other kittens will experience problems when their permanent teeth emerge. They may drool when they begin teething. Kittens will meow more during this time because their gum line feels sore and swollen. Some kitties who enjoy grabbing things with their mouths can stop picking up their favorite toys when they have tender gums. A few may have a difficult time chewing on their food.

Here are signs your cat is experiencing teething issues:

  • Eating Less Food – Slow chewing can be a sign your kitten has sore gums and has begun teething.
  • Excessive Chewing – Young cats may gnaw furniture, bedding, and toys when they begin teething.
  • Bad Breath – Some kittens develop gingivitis when their adult teeth emerge. This condition leads to bad breath.
  • Drooling – Felines drool when they start teething.
  • Pawing – Small kittens paw at their mouth when their hurt.
  • Bleeding Gums – Your pet’s gums can ooze blood when their adult teeth start emerging.

These issues can also be symptoms of other dental conditions, so have your cat examined by one of veterinary staff at Tipp City Veterinary Hospital.

4. Pet Parents Can Help Kittens During the Teething Process

Here are a few tips to help ease your kitten through the teething process.

  • Feed Your Cat Soft Foods – These meals won’t irritate your kitten’s sore gums.
  • Don’t Play Mouth-Related Games – Avoid games, like catching toy mice, where your cat has to use its mouth.
  • Reduce Tooth Brushing During Teething – Don’t brush its teeth or gums when it’s teething since it can be hurt them.
  • Take Away Dangerous Items Cats May Chew On – Remove any objects that can be hazardous to your cat like electric cords, toxic plants, and sharp items. Your cats can chew these during the teething process and harm themselves.
  • Hand Your Kitten Bite a Chew Toy – Provide them with appropriate toys to chew on that will help them get work off their high energy. Pet parents should purchase soft toys made from rubber and plastic to help your kittens through the teething process. When your kitten experiences discomfort. Give them the toys twice a day for 10 to 15-minute sessions.
  • Don’t Allow Your Kitten to Bite Your Hands – Never Allow Your Kitten to play with your hands in its mouth. Be sure to give a high-pitched “Ow” when your cat plays too rough.
  • Give Your Kitten a Binkie – Binkies are appropriate toys for kitten teething. They’re made from cloth and can be chilled to ease tender gums and will allow your cat to work its jaw muscles.

5. Retained Deciduous Teeth Can Cause Permanent Dental Issues

Some cats don’t fully reabsorb their baby teeth roots. Veterinarians call these retained teeth: they occupy spaces meant for permanent ones. These teeth cause permanent ones to erupt at odd angles. Additionally, they lead to dental-related issues like teeth crowding, malocclusions, and abnormal bites.

When permanent and baby ones occupy the same socket, food and debris may get trapped between the teeth. This crowding can cause other issues like gingivitis, tartar deposits, and periodontitis. It causes kittens to lose their teeth prematurely since teeth roots can become infected.

Malpositioned teeth cause dental interlock. This issue interferes with the jaw’s development. These problems make it difficult for your pet to eat.

Unless your kitten’s baby tooth is loose, extraction it the best choice to remove your cat’s baby teeth. It is unlikely that your cat’s malocclusion problems will get into the proper position without orthodontic treatment.

Make an appointment with a veterinarian at the Tipp City Veterinary Hospital. We’ll extract your cat’s baby teeth to make sure the adult ones can appear in their proper place. Tooth extractions only require general anesthesia. Our veterinarians will avoid tooth roots during the operation.

6. Your Cat Needs Dental Care Throughout Its Life

Once your cat’s permanent teeth come in, you’ll need to give it proper dental hygiene. These tips will help pet owners manage their cat’s dental care.

  • Pay Attention to Drooling – It’s normal for your cat’s breath to have a mild, fishy smell. Your cat could have dental problems if their breath smells foul. Drooling can also be a sign of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Give Your Kitty a Yearly Checkup – Dental checkups are essential to keep your cat’s teeth healthy. Stop by the Tipp City Veterinary Hospital to schedule your cat’s annual examination. We’ll check for any dental issues. We’ll tell you if they’ll need a tooth extraction.
  • Start a Cleaning Schedule – The American Veterinary Medical Association recommends that pet owners should start cleaning their kitten’s teeth while they are young. Use a finger cot or gauze along with special toothpaste or cats.
  • Brush Your Cat’s Teeth – Don’t try to brush your cat’s teeth with human toothpaste, because they can ingest the fluoride in it. This chemical can make your cat seriously ill. Instead, use one made for cats in flavors they’ll love. Cradle your cat from behind, cup the chin, and clean its teeth using gauze or a specialty cat toothbrush.
  • Massage your Pet’s Gums – These massages will improve your cat’s oral health.

About Tipp City Veterinary Hospital

Our veterinarians will ensure your growing kitten has the best dental care possible. We’ll check your cat’s mouth to see if it has any dental issues. You can contact us to schedule an annual examination today.

Just like people, kittens and cats sneeze for a variety of reasons. An occasional sneeze isn't a symptom of a serious feline health problem, and it often has to do with environmental allergens or irritants that can easily be managed. However, constant sneezing (especially when accompanied by nasal discharge, lethargy, or lack of appetite) could indicate that another illness is present.

If your kitten is sneezing, you may worry that something is wrong. The good news is that there are many normal reasons for a mildly sneezing kitten. Excessive or moderate and severe sneezing should always be checked out by a veterinarian, as respiratory problems and other diseases can lead to infections when left untreated.

Sneezing is the body's means of removing irritants to the sinuses, and it can mean different things for cats and kittens depending on the consistency. If you notice your kitten sneezing now and then, there's a good chance that it's just reacting to some dust or fur that's tickled its nose. Remember that kittens' noses are just inches from the floor, so if your floor is dusty, you may notice a fair amount of sneezing. There's a simple cure for this issue: Dust and vacuum your floors a bit more frequently and see if the sneezing resolves.

If your kitten has more than just a mild sneeze, possible reasons include allergies, upper respiratory diseases, and more. Foreign objects can also be stuck in your pet's nose without you knowing. In either case, it's important to visit your veterinarian for cases of excessive sneezing to determine whether another problem is the cause.

Sneezing is not an actual disease, but it can be a symptom of other health conditions that may appear alongside other symptoms. If your cat or kitten is sneezing excessively, be on the lookout for other signs including the following:

  • Nasal congestion and discharge from the nose or eyes
  • Lethargy or loss of appetite
  • Excessive blinking or inflammation of the eyes

Excessive sneezing can occur in addition to symptoms like nasal congestion and discharge, typically related to a feline upper respiratory infection (URI). These symptoms usually take between 2 and 10 days to develop after the cat was exposed to an infectious agent.

In addition to excessive sneezing, your cat may also act lethargic or lose its appetite (often related to upper respiratory infections). This can lead to anorexia or significant weight loss in cats, so it's important to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible.

If your cat is sneezing very often and also experiencing excessive blinking or inflammation around the eyes, it may have feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR). If these signs are noticed at the same time, your cat should be examined by a veterinarian to begin diagnosis.

Just like people and other pets, many cats and kittens have allergies. Mold, dust, perfumes, smoke, pesticides, and cleaning supplies can all trigger sneezing. If you think your kitten has an allergy, it's likely reacting to something in the air. You can work to reduce potential allergens in your home, especially in areas where the kitten spends a lot of time, but if your cat's sneezing is more than mild, it's important to visit the vet. There are a variety of treatment options to help cats with allergies.

Any object or tissue that is not normally present in the nasal cavity can cause sneezing. Your veterinarian can check for and safely remove foreign objects, which may require sedation, nasal flushing, and/or endoscopy. In some cases, your cat may have a nasal polyp or tumor, which should be treated by your veterinarian and tested to rule out other conditions.

Upper respiratory infections (URI) in cats cause excessive sneezing, and they're often highly contagious to other cats. If you bring a new kitten home with signs of an upper respiratory infection or another illness, it is important to prevent them from socializing with the other cats in the household until the vet has cleared them and their symptoms have resolved.

URIs can sometimes be considered chronic and stay with your cat for life. Thankfully, symptoms typically only present for a few weeks when the virus is reactivated (often due to stress), and your cat can usually live a comfortable life despite the reoccurrence of symptoms from time to time.

Constant sneezing, especially when accompanied by other symptoms (such as lethargy, lack of appetite, eye or nasal discharge, diarrhea, coughing, or breathing difficulties) can also be a sign of viral, bacterial, or fungal upper respiratory infections. If you see these symptoms, you may have a kitten with an illness such as feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV).

Also known as feline herpes virus, feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR) typically affects the cat's nose, throat, and eyes. Sneezing, nasal congestion, excessive blinking, and discharge from the eyes or nose are all common signs in cats with FVR, so it's possible that your cat's sneezing is caused by this disease (especially when seen with other symptoms).

One fairly common and highly contagious disease that can cause sneezing and breathing issues is feline calicivirus (FCV). Most vets vaccinate kittens so they won't catch this disease, but if they do, it can range from mild to severe. There are, however, several dangerous strains of calicivirus that may affect your cat, so it's important to have your pet checked and treated for any symptoms.

Cats with infected teeth may sneeze when they eat because the roots of their teeth are close to their nasal passages. If this is the case, your cat should see a veterinarian as soon as possible. Dental infections can be life-threatening when left untreated for long periods of time, as problems in the teeth can lead to septic infections.

If your cat or kitten is sneezing excessively, your veterinarian will obtain its full medical history along with performing a physical examination. Learning about your cat's history at home will also help them determine possible causes before further testing, especially if your cat has been in contact with others that may carry certain diseases that lead to this symptom.

Your veterinarian can also perform diagnostic testing (including nasal swabs, radiographs, a nasal flush, or a rhinoscopy) to screen your cat's overall health and rule out other possible causes to find the specific reason for your cat's sneezing.

If the symptoms are more than mild or if your kitten sneezes blood, take it to your veterinarian as soon as possible. They may prescribe an anti-viral treatment, nasal decongestant, or antibiotics depending on what's causing the sneezing. A humidifier near your cat's sleeping area may also help with minor breathing issues.

In some cases, the vet may prescribe steroid treatment. However, after other treatment options have been exhausted, a severe case may require surgery to remove whatever is compromising your cat's breathing.

Since there are a variety of reasons that your cat could be sneezing excessively, the prognosis for your specific cat will depend on your veterinarian's diagnosis. Thankfully, most issues that cause cats to sneeze consistently are not life-threatening, but preventing and treating any infections is key. Your veterinarian will recommend appropriate treatment options with a more detailed prognosis based on any other symptoms your cat is experiencing.

If your kitten is sneezing excessively and has no other symptoms, irritants within your home may be to blame. Owners can start helping their cats reduce sneezing by making a few simple changes including the following:

Stop using air fresheners, scented laundry detergents, perfumes, or smoking inside (if applicable). These irritants can all cause cats to sneeze more often than normal. Be careful with any disinfectants you use to clean the home, particularly if the cat walks on the surface you spray and then licks its paw pads. Many disinfectants contain chemicals that can be harmful to cats.

Thoroughly clean your cat's litter box and other cat-frequented surfaces with plain water following the use of bleach solutions or other cleaning products. About 3/4 cup of plain bleach mixed with a gallon of water makes a safe disinfectant for cleaning your cat's litter box, and it works well for other surfaces including kitchen counters and sinks. Since this cleaning solution leaves a fresh scent, it should also help eliminate the need for any additional air fresheners in the house.

Check your cat's litter as well. Some litters (particularly the clay type) create larger amounts of dust when the cat scratches inside the box, which can exacerbate allergy problems in both cats and humans.

Keep an eye on your cat for a few days. If it shows any other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection (such as watery eyes, sniffling, or coughing), or if it continues sneezing after you've eliminated environmental problems, a visit to the veterinarian is best.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.