Como comparar for the garden

Inside The New York Botanical Garden

Posted in Gardening Tips on August 31 2010, by Plant Talk

Written by Burpee Home Gardens Team. Burpee Home Gardens is a Supporting Sponsor of The Edible Garden.

Como comparar for the garden
How did your vegetable garden do this year? We’re sure you have numerous anecdotes about how much your garden yielded and how tasty the vegetables were. You can probably communicate about which pests visited, how the weather affected your plants, etc. That’s great! Gardeners love to share all their gardening stories with others.

Now. How did your vegetable garden do this year compared to two years ago? If that question is not so easy to answer, what you need is a gardening journal. This is a handwritten notebook or computer-based document that can be your go-to gardening resource. It’s your chance to record all of the great (and not so great) things that happened this planting season: From the number of plants you put in the ground and the various vegetable varieties you tried, to your weekly/daily maintenance of each plant and how they ultimately performed. Keeping track of this type of information helps make you a better, more prepared gardener when next season rolls around.

Some other things to record in your gardening journal:

  • Garden layout and design
  • Wildlife sightings (the good and the bad)
  • Plant date of purchase/date of planting
  • Watering schedule and method
  • Fertilizer used and the results
  • Temperature and weather concerns
  • Diseases or complications observed
  • Date of first harvest and how much
  • Helpful Web sites you’ve discovered
  • Titles of gardening books you’ve found useful

There’s plenty more you can store in your gardening journal, and each added detail helps you measure and compare your successes and failures from year to year. Feel free to get creative, too. Add colorful pictures, drawings, inspirational quotes, or comments from friends. Web-based garden journals make this step fun and easy. A gardening journal is also a great way to sustain your gardening fix during the winter months. The ultimate benefit is that you get to plan next season’s vegetable garden with inspiration and confidence.

Practicing comparing single and double digit numbers with the garden comparisons pages. Using gardening and vegetables, comparisons have never been so easy.Gardening opens itself up to a lot of math and I think addition, subtraction, and comparisons are some of the easiest.  While I doubt we will have 63 tomatoes in our little garden, I wanted to introduce this concept of comparisons.  We love to do this using hands on techniques but there is nothing wrong with practicing using a page like this garden comparisons page.  Actually, I like working with the numbers as it helps them to use abstract thinking to solve the problem.  It’s also easier to compare the numbers 25 and 27 rather than looking at two piles that are incredibly similar.

Como comparar for the garden

This printable is part of 6 days of Garden printables!  There are more coming all week long including an awesome Free Printable Unit Study.  The best way to keep up to date on all of it is by joining my newsletter!

Como comparar for the garden

Garden Comparisons with Veggies!

I love all garden types, but honestly, gardens that produce fruits and veggies are my favorite.  There is nothing like providing yourself with food from a garden.  I do not have the greenest thumb, but the boys are I are working together to make a garden.  And who knows, maybe this will be the year that we actually produce some food.  I have a feeling our comparisons will be more like “We have 1 tomato and two cucumbers…which is more” but that’s okay too.

Como comparar for the garden

Learning to compare two amounts starts at a young age.  I mean, many kids do it naturally when they want more candy than their brother, right?  Kids naturally know what is more.  But when it comes to figuring out what is more with abstract numbers instead of amounts, it can be tricky.  And when they start getting into double and triple digits, it’s a bit trickier.  Fortunately, it’s usually a matter of practice and they will get it.

Como comparar for the garden

There are two pages in this set – one for younger kids working on single digit amounts (above) and one for older kids ready for double digit comparisons (below).

Como comparar for the garden

Go Here to Download the Garden Comparison Pages

Como comparar for the garden

Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device.

Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas.

Join now and start creating your dream garden!

Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device.

Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. If you provide us with your name, email address and the payment of a modest $25 annual membership fee, you will become a full member, enabling you to design and save up to 25 of your garden design ideas.

Join now and start creating your dream garden!

Someone might wonder why are garden plants necessary? After a hectic and tiring week, a bright Sunday morning and working in your garden seems a better way to spend the weekend. Whenever we see a green and well maintained garden loaded with flowering plants, we feel rejuvenated. Gardening is not only a way to decorate our home, but it's considered as a stress relieving exercise by many people. Plants reduce the carbon dioxide amount in the air and produces oxygen. Having plants around your home will help in keeping the environment cool.

Compare Garden Plants

When all the plants are equally significant then what is the need to compare garden plants? Because it is essential to know all the facts about a plant to choose the most desired ones. Here, we compare plants, on the basis of their season, facts, uses etc. There is a wide variety of plants which can be categorized into , Vegetables, Grass, etc. When you look at the plants in the garden, you will be curious to know about their best qualities and benefits, so here you can compare all the plants in garden on the basis of their characteristics. Taking care of plants is a major concern of horticulture. Also the way of taking care of plants may differ in many ways depending upon the characteristics of the plant, its habitat, growing conditions required, etc. Hence, care is an important criteria to compare the plants.