A nurse is performing a screening for scoliosis



  • Obtain history of back pain and family history of spinal curvatures.

  • Advise the child/adolescent that the shirt and shoes must be removed during screening; girls may keep their bra on.

  • Children and adolescents are often embarrassed by the screening procedure. Attempt to minimize the child’s anxiety. Reassure by explaining the steps that will be taken to assure that their privacy will be protected.

  • Teach the child/adolescent that the entire procedure takes 1 to 2 minutes and should effectively detect or rule out early signs of spine curvature. Early identification allows for prompt evaluation and treatment, avoiding possible cosmetic concerns and functional impairment.

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A nurse is documenting findings from a physical examination. Which of the following statements indicates correct charting?“Bowel gurgling at 24 per minute, heard in left upper quadrant, left lower quadrant, and right lower quadrant.”“No problems breathing. Lungs clear.”“Liver palpation is normal.”“Regular heart rate and rhythm: S1, S2 heard.” (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

“Regular heart rate and rhythm: S1, S2 heard.”

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Perform the cover-uncover test

When assessing a school aged child or adolescent for scoliosis, it is important to have the childBend the knees and touch toesStand up straight with the arms at the sideBend forward with the knees straight and the arms danglingLie prone with the arms extended

Bend forward with the knees straight and the arms dangling

A nurse is performing an annual physical examination on an adolescent. Which of the following should be included in the general survey?The patient’s deep tendon reflexes are 2+ bilaterallyThe patient is able to read small print at 14 inchesThe patient demonstrates short-term recallThe patient makes good eye contact

The patient makes good eye contact

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Use books and other visual aids to advance the interview

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Have the parent hold the child securely in her lap

Which of the following techniques is appropriate when obtaining a blood pressure on a child?Position the arm below the level of the heart while the child is sitting in a chairRelease the cuff pressure at a rate of 4 to 5 mm HgInflate the blood pressure cuff slowlyUse a bladder covering 80 to 100% of the arm circumference

Use a bladder covering 80 to 100% of the arm circumference

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Place your hand under mine